XXIX. An Insatiable Appetite

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"My mom ain't home," Ryuji pointed out when you walked through to the doors to his place.

"More peace and quiet to concentrate, I guess," you said, as you kicked off your shoes and walked over to the couch. "So, how does writing these calling cards usually work?"

"Makoto basically critiques everything I write and makes it better."

"They don't have much faith in you, huh..." you said, taking off your Shujin jacket and draping it over the arm of the couch.

"S'pose not," Ryuji affirmed as he sat down next to you.

"Sorry... I'll take your suggestions seriously," you assured him with a grin. "I like your rebellious spirit!"

The corners of Ryuji's mouth rose. "Thank you."

You nodded and smiled before reaching into your bag and grabbing a notebook and a pen. You flipped to a blank page and leaned back into the couch and sat cross-legged.

Ryuji scooted over next to you and draped his arm around your shoulders.

"Okay, so, Kuro L/N... Um..." You bit your lip, trying to think of what to write. After a few moments of silence, you shook your head. "Why is this so hard?"

"Just speak from your heart."

You smirked. "Can calling cards have swear words in them?"

Ryuji chuckled. "Uh, I don't think the other Phantom Thieves would appreciate that."

You smirked and looked at him. "Well, I can just blame it on you, right?"

Ryuji laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure you'd love watching me get yelled at." He then quickly removed his arm from your shoulders and started to tickle you.

You burst into a fit of giggles as you leaned back onto a pillow lying on the couch beside you. Ryuji laughed as he got on top of you and pinned you down with his weight while he continued to tickle you, the notebook and pen falling to the floor as you tried to move away from his grasp.

Ryuji then leaned down and kissed your neck once he stopped tickling you. He slowly moved your shirt tucked under your Shujin skirt up as you came down from your laughing high. When his fingers ghosted over your soft skin, you felt the hairs on your arm raise. He softly ran his fingers along your stomach as his lips moved against yours and when his tongue entered into your mouth, he groaned softly.

After a few moments, he pulled his lips away from yours and nuzzled his head into your neck and wrapped his arms around you. You felt him pull you closer to his body as he laid on top of you.

Your hands hovered over his back as you blinked a couple of times, taken aback by his shift in demeanor.

"What we have is special," he whispered. "I don't ever wanna lose you."

"Hm? What's with the cuddliness all of a sudden?"

Ryuji lifted his head to look at you. "Oh, uh, just thinkin' 'bout what Akechi said. I don't think our relationship is all about sex, you know."

"I didn't think it was anyway..."

Ryuji sat back against his heels and pulled you up by the small of your back. You kissed his cheek. "Don't listen to what Akechi says. He's only an outsider looking in."

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