XXXX. A Night to Remember

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"So, where are you both headed off to?" Tito asked, looking up from the food he was making.

"I have no idea," you shrugged, putting your bag on the counter. "Ryuji won't tell me."

Ryuji put his hands up before sitting at the island. "Hey, I said it was a surprise. I can't spoil it."

"Better not try anything, Ryuji," Tito warned.

"Whoa! I'd never want to hurt her!" Ryuji said, freaking out.

You patted his shoulder before walking to your room. "Calm down, Yuji. Let me go get my bunny."

"Bunny?" Tito asked, raising an eyebrow. "The one your mother gave you? Why do you need that?"

"I don't know!" you called out from your room. "Ryuji told me to bring her."

Tito looked at Ryuji questioningly.

"It's a surprise."

"Son, you better tell me the location right now."

Ryuji quickly typed it on his phone and showed it to Tito.

Tito smirked and chuckled, immediately changing his threatening demeanor. "I'm sure she'll love it."

Ryuji smiled widely, feeling just a bit relieved. "Oh, man. I hope so."

"What do you hope?" you asked, appearing back in the kitchen.

"N-nothing," Ryuji stuttered.

"Ooh! Before I forget-" Tito said, quickly wiping his hands on a mini towel. "Follow me, Y/N."

You followed him to his room and he pulled out his drawer to give you back your cellphone.

You looked up at him, worried, thinking about the ominous text messages. "Everything is okay?"

He nodded. "Well, I had an old friend of mine from the club, Gizmo, take a look at it. He ran some information on it. We found a lead and I'm having some guys check it out, since I'm still healing up. You should be fine but make sure you have someone with you at all times, alright? I'm still waiting to hear back about what they find."

"Whoever texted me won't track me, right?"

"Gizmo did a bunch of crap on the phone to change the location or whatever. Not really sure but he said you should be fine." When he noticed your wary expression, he hugged you. "I trust Giz with my life, baby girl. You'll be fine. I promise."

You sighed. "Okay."

Your uncle then pulled you away. "For now, focus on enjoying your date, alright?"

You smiled and nodded. "I will!"


"I still don't understand why you wanted me to bring my bunny, Ryuji," you said as you got off the train.

It was now late afternoon and it was growing colder. However, you didn't mind. Ryuji was taking you to an unknown location and you were feeling excited but, most of all, curious. You wanted to know desperately where you were going but Ryuji wouldn't tell you. All he could really say was...

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now