XVII. The Boy with the Broken Heart

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"Ryuji, calm down!"

"What do you mean he fucking asked you out to dinner!?" Ryuji yelled.

"Exactly that. I mean, I'm on the fence about it too..."

"Well, you should be! I'm your boyfriend so you have to say no!"

"But, Morgana and Akira think it would be a good way to find out some intel on him..."

"What!? NO! There's no way in hell you're going! You're my girlfriend!"

"Yes, I know I am! But-"

"But nothing! Y/N, are you seriously considering going!?"

"Look, Yuji, you're my one and only. If I say yes to him, it's not because I'm doing this to purposely hurt you in any way. This is strictly for the Phantom Thieves," you persuaded.

"Fuck that! Y/N, do you think that makes it okay!? That asshole has ulterior motives. He only wants to mess with our relationship!" Ryuji continued to yell over the phone.

You sighed. "Ryuji, no. Akira and Morgana-"

"Fuck what they say! Say no! I ain't losing you to another guy because you wanna help the Phantom Thieves!"

You paused for a moment. "Ryuji... you'll never lose me."

"It feels like Akechi is trying to make that happen..." he trailed off. You heard him sigh and then softly say, "Y/N, I don't want to lose you."

You heard the pain in his voice and it made you want to reach into the phone to wrap your arms around him. You shook your head. He was right. Why would you even consider going out to dinner with Akechi? It should've been an instant no the moment he asked you. Yeah, you wanted to help the Phantom Thieves but was this truly the way?

"You're right. I'm sorry, Ryuji. I don't want to hurt you. I never do."

He didn't reply. All you could really hear was the sound of your heart pounding in your ear. A deafening sound that drowned out your thoughts. You softly exhaled through your nose and tried to focus on the task at hand.

Ryuji still hadn't replied. You furrowed your eyebrows in concentration, trying to listen closer to see if you could hear anything. But, what you did hear was quite... unexpected.

You heard a light sniff.

Was Ryuji... crying?


"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N," Ryuji said before the line went dead.

You stood frozen; your phone still held up against your ear. Have I fucked up majorly? You didn't know exactly what to do or what to feel. You just stood there. It was as if you were frozen in time. Should I call him back? Does he want some space? Maybe a text would be okay?

You slowly brought the phone down from your ear and decided to text Ryuji.

You: Ryuji, babe, I'm so sorry. Please call me!

You waited a few minutes but he still hadn't replied or called. This was unlike him. He always texted you back instantly unless he was at the gym. Have I hurt Ryuji this bad? You felt a teardrop roll down your cheek as a sob got caught in your throat. You then shook your head in disbelief and kneeled down against the back of your legs and crossed your arms against your knees. You put your head down into your arms and began to cry. Why do I keep messing everything up? Am I just destined to hurt the people I love? Have I become a curse? A burden? Is this my comeuppance for the bad things I have done in my life?

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now