XXXXV. Closure

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Author's note:

Well, this is it, everyone. The final chapter to A Feeling From Deep Within. It's been a wild past few months with this book but it's now time to put it to rest. It is now time for Y/N's closure.

The next book will be about Akechi, as he won the poll.

Enjoy, everyone. XOXO


A tall, older woman opened the door. Asami Saito, you assumed. Futaba said she lived alone with her two cats and boyfriend.

Asami brushed her bangs to the left side of her forehead and blinked a few times as she looked at you and the other teens on her porch. "Hello. Who are you?"

You cleared your throat. "Hello, my name is Y/N and I-"

"Y/N... why does that name sound familiar?" she interrupted, scrunching up her nose and furrowing her eyebrows.

"O-oh. Um, you may have heard about me from the news or any police you might've talked to. I'm Kuro's daught-"

"Please, go away," she said and closed the door in your face.

You slightly gasped, your eyes wide as you stared at the door.

"Well, that was quite rude," Makoto said.

Ryuji scowled. "Yeah, what the hell..."

Akira looked over to you. "What do you wan-?"

Before he could finish his question, you stepped forward and knocked on the door again. "Maybe if she listens as to why I'm here, she'll understand."

The woman opened the door slightly ajar and looked at you through the small crack. "Please leave me alone. I-I don't want any trouble."

"I'm not here to bring you any trouble. Please just listen to me. I'm here to-"

"I said go away!!" she shouted.

Ryuji tugged at the back of your shirt. "C'mon babe. You tried your best. Let's just go," he whispered.

You felt defeated. How could you have tried your best if she wouldn't let you speak?

You sighed and looked at her. "I'm so sorry for what my father and those men did to you. You didn't deserve it. He's a monster and, as his own flesh and blood, I don't condone anything he did. I feel for you. I really do. So, please," you said softly, putting an envelope with money down onto her porch, "take this. It may not be much but I hope it helps you."

She stared at you, not saying anything.

You mustered up the best smile you could before turning around to walk off the porch with the others. It was then that you heard the door open slightly and when you turned around, you saw Asami grab the envelope and quickly close the door.

You didn't know what she would do with the money, whether she kept it or not, but you hoped it would help her.

It was silent as you walked to the train station. No one commented on what happened and you didn't want them to.

"So... who's next on the list?" you asked, just wanting to move on. You felt partially successful. She took the money. That's all you wanted.

Makoto pulled out her phone. "The next woman is Ayame Kubota."

Still optimistic, you said, "Let's go."


[Two hours later...]

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