Special Chapter: I Can't Lose You

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Author's note:

Thank you to everyone voted as option 2 won the vote! So, please enjoy this extra long chapter since a lot of you wanted one big chapter! :D

Enjoy and thank you again for everything! XOXO


"We can't stand here any longer! We need to get to higher ground!" you shouted, running towards the stairs. You could hear the sound of explosions and rumbles getting louder as you ran and you didn't want to stay in one area for too long, lest you'd end up like the shadows trapped on this ship.

You and the Phantom Thieves had finally defeated the infamous Masayoshi Shido, a huge triumph for the gang and, if you were being completely honest, society as a whole.

But, now definitely wasn't the time to celebrate; not when the walls around you were beginning to fall apart, swallowed up by the deep waters surrounding the large Palace.

You felt a pang in your heart, digesting the fact that you had, not too long ago, lost a member of your gang. However, you pushed the thought of Akechi's death to the back of your mind as quickly as you could. He may have revealed himself initially as an enemy, but in the end, he did sacrifice himself to save you.

And despite the things he made you and the other Phantom Thieves go through, you knew he didn't deserve to go out the way he did. So, defeating Shido was your way of avenging Akechi's death.

And much as you wanted to mourn the loss of a friend, you had no other option but to run to safety at this point.

Nothing you could do would bring him back.

And standing still in a sinking palace was sure as hell not going to do anything for you either. You had to move.

And fast.

You all managed to make it to a long hallway with large openings in its wall. You quickly peered out of one as Futaba wailed over her lack of ability to swim. Frankly, you weren't the greatest swimmer either but you could float and you'd dare admit you'd take your chances floating in the deep waters over standing in an exploding and sinking Palace any day.

You felt your anxiety rising as the seconds ticked by, your eyes scanning the large layout ahead of you, desperately trying to find a way to escape.

"Over there! A lifeboat!" Makoto shouted, pointing to an area in the distance. You squinted your eyes and found what she was pointing at, a brief moment of relief settling into your stomach.

"Let's go!" Ryuji commanded, as you all ran to another large opening.

The nine of you stared at the lifeboat, seemingly miles away from where you stood. You heard another explosion in the distance and panicked. "We're not going to make it."

"It's too far," Yusuke added.

"What do we do?"

You felt Ryuji shift beside you and you immediately turned to look at him. He had his eyes closed and a look on his face you knew all too well. It was the same expression he had after he opened up to you about being labeled "useless" within the Phantom Thieves.

The same night he kissed you for the first time on your cheek in your living room.

You'd seen him make this expression many times before and you knew what feelings it consisted of: determination with a hint of resolve. You stared at Ryuji, fearful for what he would do next because you knew you couldn't stop him or whatever plan he had on his mind. It was set and done.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now