XXIV. Worth Fighting For

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"What's with the shocked faces? You guys didn't exactly hide your tracks very well."

You looked over to Ryuji who looked as if he was shitting bricks at this very moment. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly agape.

Your heart was racing. Tito's expression was unreadable and that's what scared you the most. You knew that Tito could be understanding but he was a former member of Dark Angels. It's not likely you'd get off the hook so quickly without some form of punishment. That's how he learned to deal with most of the problems that came up in his biker club. No person was spared if they did something wrong.

However, that face of his: if looks could kill, you'd drop dead in this very moment. He merely stared at you with the calmest demeanor you'd ever seen him in as he waited for you to say something. It almost felt like the calm before the storm...

You figured you had to do something to settle the situation since Ryuji was too scared to speak. Whether it was trying to talk yourself out of it or brace yourself for whatever punishment Tito had in store for you, you just had to do something. You sighed. "Well, I guess we won't try to hide it. How did you find out?"

"Your strange behavior this morning was what gave it away. It made me suspicious." He then laughed. "A bug on the floor, Y/N? Really? And then the loud music... Did you seriously think that would work?"

"I was hoping it would..." you mumbled.

Tito continued. "You do realize you can't hide shit from me, kiddo. I've been raisin' you for a few years now and I know when you're lying. However, that's beside the point." He then crossed his arms. "After you left, I decided to do some... snooping. And what I found was pretty interesting."

You glanced over to Ryuji who's chest was rising and falling dramatically as he stared at Tito. His behavior was honestly making you more nervous. "W-what did you find?" he peeped out.

Tito looked at him. "How about you tell me?"

Ryuji looked away from him, a tomato red tint on his cheeks.

Tito raised an eyebrow. "Nothing?" He then looked at you. "How about you?"

"Stop interrogating us, Tito. Just tell us what you found."

He rested the beer he was holding on the counter behind him. "I found a used condom in your trash can. ...Care to tell me how it got there?" He said as he crossed his arms again.

Oh, shit... We forgot to throw out the trash this morning... You were beginning to panic. We are definitely dead now.

"We had sex!" Ryuji blurted out.

You and Tito snapped your heads towards Ryuji. The dread on your face was apparent as you stared at him in disbelief. Oh god... Tito made an amused sound before becoming serious again. "You wanna run that by me again, son?"

Ryuji exhaled through his nose, mentally preparing himself but also trying to calm his nerves. Tito was a big guy and if Ryuji said the wrong thing, this could end up bad. So, Ryuji put on a brave face as he stared at Tito.

"Look, I ain't gonna sugarcoat things. I'll just get straight to the point. I love Y/N. A lot. And I'm sorry if we broke a rule but don't put that on her. I'll take full responsibility."

"Tch, if you loved her enough, you would've realized that she would've been in deep shit if I ever caught you in her room. When you come into this apartment, you're not only showing respect to her but you're showing respect to me."

Ryuji furrowed his eyebrows, getting angry. "Look, I said I was sorry, alright? You can't just stand there and doubt my love for her!"

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it!?" Tito said, raising his voice.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now