XXVII. One More Thing Before It's Over

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"How did you guys even find me?" you asked as you took a seat by the table in the safe room.

Futaba sighed. "It wasn't easy. I first tracked everyone else and it wasn't too hard, considering we were all in the same area."

"It seems your father managed to transport you to a location entirely different from ours," Makoto added.

Futaba nodded. "My sensors picked up on a distortion in one particular area on our map."

"At first, we thought it was a safe room but Oracle noticed the distortion was much larger," Yusuke explained.

"Yeah and there wasn't a door to get there. So, our only way through was with the help of Noir."

Haru smiled. "Yes, I had to use my grenade launcher to create a hole in the wall. That was our only entrance into your area."

"I guess he didn't want you guys finding me..."

Ryuji put his hands on your shoulders and gave them a light squeeze to comfort you. "Nope, but we did anyway," he said as he smirked.

"So, did you guys have to face your fears?"

Ann shuttered. "Yeah, we really did. And as we found each other, our fears began manifesting even more."

"I found Panther while she was running away from spiders," Futaba laughed.

Ann glared at Futaba. "Hey! That's not funny! They're so gross!!"

"Remember when Mona tripped while being chased by that killer sushi?" Ryuji laughed.

Everyone around you laughed while Morgana grimaced.

"Stop laughing! Sushi is supposed to cause joy. Not fear..." he frowned.

Akira looked towards you. "You seemed scared when we found you. What was your fear?"

You looked down at the table, uncomfortably. You definitely didn't want to tell them what you saw. From Akechi assaulting you to being attacked by your dead teammates, it'd be pretty shocking to speak about. And Ryuji... What would he think if he heard all of this, especially with his shadow attacking you? No, you couldn't speak of this to anyone.

You shook your head. "I'd rather not talk about it..."

The Phantom Thieves noticed your demeanor change and decided not to press any further. They knew something went down when you were separated from them but didn't want to make you uncomfortable by asking too many questions. Deep down, they understood that with time, you'd perhaps open yourself up to them.

Morgana decided to change the subject. "Well, the only thing to do is to present the last ticket to Stan and make our way to the Stage Room, which I can sense where the treasure is."

"Let's secure our route then. Great job everyone," Akira praised.

Everyone smiled and nodded before getting up to leave the room. As you got up slowly, Ryuji took your hand in his. You intertwined your fingers and he leaned down to kiss your cheek. "This is it, babe," he whispered in your ear. You felt your cheeks warm up as you smiled to Ryuji, relieved that this would soon be all over.


When you reached the ticket stand, you took a sigh of relief. Just one more thing to do.

You flashed Stan a big smile. "Our last ticket, please!"

Stan smiled in return. "Huh, so you have returned unscathed. Physically, that is. But, I'm sure you're all disturbed."

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now