X. The Awakening

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You and the Phantom Thieves stood across the street and observed your father's Palace. On the outside, it was... extravagant, to say the least.

It was a large dome-shaped building with a giant red carpet leading to the front doors. There was a large marquee with bright lights flashing attached to the front of the building. It extended over the front doors and read "Welcome to the Brilliant Palace of Kuro!" What a show-off...

Rose petals were spread out on top of the red carpet and giant spotlights in front of the building waved lights into the purplish sky. Along the red carpet were also red carpet fence poles, holding back screaming fans and paparazzi.

"Wait, do you see that?" Ryuji harshly whispered as he noticed a moving figure coming towards the Palace.

The Phantom Thieves followed his gaze and noticed a giant limo coming down the street. It then stopped in front of the Palace and out stepped two giant bodyguards along with your father. The bodyguards had dark sunglasses on and earpieces with dark suits. As for your father, he was dressed in a tuxedo and his hair was nicely slicked back. He had a giant smile on his face as he waved to the screaming fans and stopped to allow the paparazzi to take photos of him. People even threw roses at his feet. You felt disgusted. If only they knew who my true father was...

"Why does your dad think he's some celebrity?" Morgana asked.

You crossed your arms. "Well... okay, let me explain. My uncle actually told me about his past. So, before all of the evil things my father did, he was an aspiring actor and he was actually really good at it too. He was extremely talented and he actually met my mother while acting. She was a writer for a play he starred in. Anyway, my grandfather hated the idea of my father becoming an actor. He didn't think it was 'manly.' So, he started toughening him up. And by 'toughening up,' I mean like he exposed him to sex, drugs, violence, and alcohol.

"My father was pretty messed up after all the things he saw growing up. But, he still never gave up on his dream to act. So, behind my grandfather's back, he decided to audition for a local play and he ended up getting the part. This play turned out to be a big success and news of his talent started spreading around town. He starred in so many plays after he was discovered. It's just... along the way, things turned a bit sour..." You grimaced. You felt uncomfortable speaking about this and Ryuji noticed.

He held your hand. "Go on..." he encouraged you.

"My..." You sighed. "My father sexually harassed a lot of the actresses he worked with... And he often threatened them if they said anything. I guess my grandfather deeply affected him... Anyway, the women he hurt decided to come forward with allegations and my father lost everything after that. His reputation was destroyed. To be honest, he deserved every bit of karma he got.

"But, this particular incident seemed to destroy him in more ways than one. It's actually what drove him to open his underground prostitution ring. He blamed all women for his failure. He wanted to destroy the lives of women... just like he believed they destroyed his.

"I was born not too long after his career was destroyed. My mother thought it would teach him responsibility if he were to raise a kid. But, clearly, that didn't help... He turned angrier after I was born. I guess he didn't like that I was a girl... And when my mother passed away, it's like he didn't care. His disdain for all women just grew and grew..."

"Y/N..." Ann put her hand on your shoulder.

"It's okay. I really want to go through with this. I can't stomach the thought of my father hurting another woman or girl. I- we need to stop him."

"And we-"

"We'll do everything we can to stop him, Y/N. He won't get away with this." Akechi said, stepping forward and interrupting Ryuji. Ryuji glared at Akechi and growled under his breath.

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