XXXVIII. Mementos

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"Alright, guys. Listen up!" Morgana ordered.

You were all sitting around the table in Akira's room, ready to discuss the intel Mishima passed along for a request in Mementos. This would be your first time in Mementos and, quite frankly, you were a bit scared. The gang told you a bit about what you'd expect, putting emphasis on the creepiness of the area, and it psyched you out quite a bit.

Akira cleared his throat. "We only have one request to discuss and this one's serious. There's a man by the name of Masahiro Takeda who's been blackmailing women for money. It turns out he drugs them at parties, takes pictures of their nude bodies, and then uses it against them in order to squeeze money out of them."

You scrunched your face up in disgust as your hands balled into fists under the table. As evil as your father was, the cruelty of the world still never failed to surprise you.

Ann stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "What the- That's an invasion of privacy and soooo disgusting!!"

"Yeah, where does that asshole get off?" Ryuji said angrily.

Yusuke brushed a lock of hair off of his face. "I say we get on this quickly before another women ends up becoming his target."

"Right. Are we all in?" Morgana asked the group.

Everyone nodded.

"Well, that's a unanimous decision. Akira, what should we do?"

"Let's head in now and have this dealt with ASAP."


At the entrance of Mementos, you immediately felt a chill go down your spine. The lighting of the area was dim and the atmosphere felt ominous and gloomy. Your stomach churned as you breathed in the faint smell of metal and must.

You shivered and immediately felt the hair on your arms rise under the warmth of your jacket as a cold breeze touched you.

Ryuji put his arm around your waist. "You good?"

You nodded. "Yeah." It was only a half-lie.

"Alright, Mona. Do your thing," Akira said.

You watched as Morgana transformed himself into a large black van, his tail sticking out of the "bumper."

Your eyes widened. "What the hell..."

"Oh. Did we forget to mention that Mona can turn himself into a van?" Ryuji smirked.

"Yeah, you might've omitted that little piece of information."

Everyone began boarding into the Mona van as you stood there, staring. You hesitated, not sure of what to do. The idea of sitting inside a van that was actually your friend's "cat" did not rub you the right way but neither did walking into the large scary area of Mementos.

Ryuji took your hand and led you into the van. "Don't worry. We'll be safe."

There wasn't much room in the van as the nine of you had to be sandwiched in together. Well, to be specific, there was no room for you. As a result, you had to sit on Ryuji's lap, though, you didn't mind. You leaned forward and rested your arms on the seat in front of you, right behind Haru and Ann's heads.

Not to your surprise, it was really warm inside the van and fortunately, it worked to comfort you just a little. It also didn't smell unpleasant like you thought it would.

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