Malakai 3

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Me and Dacien walked down a dark road, it was around one in the morning but for the most part the street was empty with the exception of a middle age woman carrying two heavy bags. She didn't know it but she was almost robbed three times already; the first dude that tried to rob her I conjured a knife from thin air and slit his throat, the two lesbians that were waiting for her to walk past the alley I turned them into rats then turned myself into a python and ate them, and the last dude I gave him the sudden urge to jump off the bridge. It was easier for me to learn from Dacien than it was from Hakeem, Dacien didn't judge in fact he encouraged violence whereas Hakeem though I looked up to him was to strict and controlling. The woman reached a corner where a boy about sixteen was waiting, Dacien hand started to glow red but I shook my head, it had been three years since I last seen this boy and I had to admit my little brother was starting to look a lot like me. It sucked that they couldn't see me but it was better this way..... me and Dacien walked a little ways ahead of them and I pulled a bag of money out air it wasn't much probably about five hundred thousand and dropped it in front of them. The boy almost tripped over the bag before picking it up, he looked inside of the bag then quickly closed it Malik was always a smart kid.

"Malakai we should go..... we have other things we could be doing besides watching your family." Dacien said but I kept walking, until my mom and brother made it home safely. "They're home..... now can we please go have some fun, I suspect Hakeem is with that mortal boy from earlier and I want to have my own form of fun." Dacien said and I smirked.

"Follow me......" I said before allowing myself to turn into a cloud of black mist. Before we knew it we were standing in front of a house I knew all too well, it belongs to my former best friend the man who set me up and put a bullet through my brain.... yeah this should be fun.

"Lead the way, little dude." Dacien said and I walked through the door as if it air and the more I looked around the more pissed I became, I guess he was living good off of all the money he stole from me. "I think someone is upstairs." Dacien said following the sound until we came to a closed door, yeah he was definitely in there fucking somebody.

"What should I do? Go in there guns blazing, turn his dick into the size of a thumbnail, turn his blood into acid, remove one of his lungs?" I asked looking at Dacien who stood there thinking quietly.

"Ayy did you hear that?" I heard from the other side of the door, then movement, the door opened and my ex-best friend Trudeaux (Tru) stepped out with his gun... the same gun he killed me with aimed directly at me but I knew he couldn't see me or Dacien. "I must be hearing shyt." Tru said before walking back into the room.

"Everything you said would be fun...... but it would also be too easy, let's torture him first break his mind, make him go insane. Prolong the kill Malakai, ending it now would be boring..... make him suffer, remember the sadness in your mother's eyes." Dacien said and I nodded then walked through the door...... fuck all that prolonging shyt he was just talking about, Tru was fuckin my dude.... ex-dude. "Do you know this dude?" Dacien asked and I nodded.

"He was my boyfriend..... I wonder how long they've been fucking around?" I asked and Dacien waved his arms, we were standing at a basketball court and I remembered this day it was the Fourth of July and Sammie had brought me a plate from his mom's house, I watched myself walk over to him and pull him into a tight hug, while I was whispering in his ear he was mouthing something to Tru... I guess that was my answer. "Can I just kill both of them now?" I asked ready to turn them into heaps of ash.

"No...... not yet, like I said let's have some fun." Dacien said and I figured Sam would be the first one I fucked with, think it, mean it, want it...... I made Sam see the person he was secretly craving and the next second he was moaning even louder.

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