Rashad 16

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My girl came home crying yesterday and it took everything in me not to go find her old ass grandparents and cuss them out, I knew that despite them being stuck-up, pieces of skunk shyt Keyonna loved them and no matter how many times they pissed her off she wouldn't push them away because they were all the family she had left..... besides me and Chance. I don't know what they said to piss her off but I couldn't stand to see my girl cry, so once I got finished seeing how much it would cost to fix the damages in my shop I would do something special for her, thank god I had insurance and it would cover most of the damage but it was looking like I was going to be outta pocket a couple thousand..... I checked the security footage and saw most of what happened it looked like some people were trying to rob Ezekiel and it didn't turn out good for him, the last thing I saw was them dragging Ezekiel out, damn I hoped he was aight because even though he was new and kinda weird he was still one of the best tattoo artists I had. I locked up my shop and started heading home then froze..... I had to call my mom and tell her I was getting married because if she found out from anyone other than me chance's are she'd drive two hours to beat my ass.

"I'm glad you called, you need to come check your damn brother before I beat his black ass..... I'm telling you, Rashad, this boy is dis•redamn•spectful and if he doesn't stop mumbling under his breath I'm going to walk my ass over there and knock his fuckin teeth in." My mom said and I could tell by the long pause that she was smoking which she only did when she was really pissed. "And while we're on the subject of disrespectful children, why the fuck hasn't your black ass been to see me? And when the fuck are you going to make me a damn grandma since your damn brother can't decide if he like girls or boys, I swear that little bitch changes his sexuality more than he changes his damn draws. And where the fuck is my boo Keyonna we need a Girl's Day...." My mom went on for ten minutes without letting me get more than the word 'Ma' in. "Boy quit interrupting me.... you're just like your damn daddy rude as fuck." She said and it took everything in me not to correct her, I knew she was referring to my younger brother Izreal's dad, my stepdad. I knew she wasn't talking about my dad because whenever she thought about him she'd get sad.

"Ma...." I said trying to tell her the reason I called before she started talking again. "I'm getting married...... I asked Key and she said yeah, I knew you'd want to hear it from me and nobody else so that's why I was calling." I said and her silence was the longest ten seconds of my life before she let out a scream of joy and started talking a mile a minute.

"Yo why is she crying?" My brother Izreal and I shook my head, for as tough as my mom tried to act I knew she was a big ass crybaby. I told my little brother what was going on and I could almost feel him smiling. "Before your dumb ass friends start arguing I'm the best man at y'alls wedding." He said and there was never a doubt in my mind who my best man was going to be.

"So what was mommy talking about you not knowing whether you like boys or girls? And why aren't you in school?" I asked leaning against my car.

"I got suspended for beating a niggas ass for questioning my manhood.... which brings me to your first question, what can I say sometimes I wanna play with titties, sometimes I wanna have suck dick..... I'm going to tell you the same thing I told mom, sexuality is fluid and I'm happy fucking with both. You're not mad are you?" He asked.

"Yeah.... I wish you would've told me first Izzy..... that's probably the only thing I'm pissed about. But look I gotta go, it's almost Key's lunch break and she hates when I'm late, love you, little bro...." I said hanging up and getting in my car. Twenty minutes later I was waiting outside of this big ass building waiting for Keyonna, I'm glad I remembered she had a new job because I was straight about to drive to her old job. I saw her walking out and my dick woke up, don't judge me but I was always horny.... I couldn't explain it ever since I hit puberty my hormones were working overtime.

"Hey, baby...." Keyonna said wrapping her arms around my neck, while my hands gripped her ass. "What did they say about the shop?" She asked and I kissed her softly.

"Later.... right now I got something special planned." I said opening the door for her then walking over to the driver side. Twenty minutes later we were in the same park where we had our first date, back then things were fragile.... it took almost six months for Keyonna to agree to go on a date with me, I was a hoe fucking any girl moving but the second I saw Keyonna it was like every girl became invisible and she was all that mattered. "My mom is coming up here later this week...." I said and Keyonna started laughing, I swear whenever her, my mom and Chance got together it was bad news.

"My grandparents are trying to marry me off to some stranger....." Keyonna said and I felt every cell in my body react to those words, I also had anger issues but I learned to keep it in check when I was with Keyonna.

"I wish..... a nigga would..... I love you Key but let your grandparents bring some rich boy around you I swear all three of them are going to catch these hands." I said seriously. "How's the new job? We gotta talk about something else because I'm getting pissed." I said clenching my fist. We spent the rest of her lunch break looking out on the water and just talking before I had to take her back to work.

"I might be a little late, Chance wants to go out for drinks after work..... but I'll call you when I'm on my way home." Keyonna said as I opened her door for her.

"That's fine.... my boys are forcing me to come out to celebrate our engagement so I'll probably end up getting fucked up and coming home horny." I said biting down on her lip gently.

"I'll be waiting....." Keyonna said rubbing my dick. "I love you." She said smiling.

"Love you too....." I said smacking her ass as she started walking away. Yeah, I was probably going to cut tonight short so I could get home to my girl....... Later that night about twenty of my boys were posted in the clubs ordering different types of alcohol and basically telling me I didn't have a choice but to drink since it was 'my' night, I was going to have to set some rules for my bachelor party because I knew I was going to be sick as fuck in the morning.

"Ayy Shad... why does that nigga keep staring over here?" My best friend Grizz asked nodding over to the bar area, I discreetly looked over to the bar and saw that nigga Xander or whatever the fuck his name was staring directly at me. There was something familiar about that dude, though I was sure I had never met him before I just couldn't shake the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach.

"I'll go see what he wants....." I said getting up and walking over to him. "Bro you're making my boys nervous, you really need to quit staring.... look just because we shared a meal together doesn't make us friends." I said looking into his eyes.

"Just needed to confirm something..... you're definitely one of us, at least in blood. But you're right it looks really suspect for me to keep staring at y'all..... but I'm sure once things become clear you'll seek me out." Xander said getting up and walking off.

"That nigga wasn't giving you any trouble, was he? I know you can handle yourself but you know I'm not trying to hear Keyonna's mouth if something were to happen to you." Grizz said walking over to me and I smirked, I found it hilarious how his big ass was frightened of Keyonna.

"Nah we're good.... he was just a nigga I met the other day, but look I'm about to take a piss then your ass is taking me home so I can be with my girl." I said and he nodded, as I made my way through the club a couple girls tried to stop me but I kept walking. I got to the bathroom and before I could start pissing I felt someone behind me. "You know you're probably the last person who should be sneaking up on me.... I already don't like you so coming in here while I'm drunk isn't the smartest decision you could've made."

"How much? I know your type Rashad.... you'll do anything for money, hell I wouldn't be surprised if you've robbed a few people to pay for that funky ass tattoo parlor. So how much will it cost for you to leave Keyonna alone?" Keyonna's grandpa said looking into my eyes.

"I can't be bought..... I would tell you to ask Keyonna how much it would take for her to leave me but I already know the answer and so do you which is why you thought I would be the easier target. But you're wrong.... now unless you wanna see my dick I suggest you kick rocks." I said looking at him and he smirked.

"Okay.... just remember I tried to do this the easy way....." He said walking out and I noticed the hint of a threat in his voice, but come on what could that old man do to me? Whatever I was about to worry about him, Keyonna loved me and that was all that mattered and they were just going to have to get used to the fact that I was about to start crashing ever family function...............

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