Dacien 35

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It was around midnight as I walked down the dark street, despite the fact that it was a cold grey night on the inside I was feeling the closest thing to joy a demon could feel, tonight was the night... the night I finally got a small piece of the revenge I had been seeking for the better part of a millennium. The closer I got to my target the faster my 'heart' seemed to pump and I for a split second I almost turned back because the chase was almost better than the kill but then I remember there were still six more names on my list. I wonder if he could sense me coming.... then I smirked he was always the weakest at least while he was living his strength was unique, the closer he got to death the stronger he became so I had to kill him quickly. I watched as he walked into an old shop and just as I stepped off the curb someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark alley, I was about to obliterate the person until I realized it was only Jalen.... I started to relax a little then I became angry because every second I spent not trailing my target the chance of me losing him increased.

"Jalen I love you but if you're planning on stopping me then we have some serious issues that now is not the time to discuss." I said turning to walk back towards the building but I found myself trapped inside of a barrier. "Jalen please don't do this..... you should be happy that I'm about to eliminate one of my targets because the sooner I get finished with him the sooner we can get on with our eternity." I said looking at him.

"Dacien I'm not here to stop I'm here as your backup.... this grudge isn't yours alone, remember I was there when the slaughter the entire temple, I was there when the placed that curse on you and wiped your name from history..... I just wanna make sure everything goes perfectly." Jalen said and I smiled right before I kissed him. "I'll be right out here making sure that you two aren't disturbed."

"This would be so much more satisfying if we had that spell from Jarek." I said knowing that in he would be resurrected in a couple months inside of a new host.

"Jarek's motives are pure evil....." Jalen said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You know what I mean Dacien, he wants to create hell on Earth by releasing the Seven Deadly Sins and we can't allow that." Jalen said and I nodded.

"Right..... well, I shouldn't be gone long...." I said kissing him. "Umm can you release me?" I asked and Jalen waved his hand as I ran across the street. I walked inside the building and it seemed to be a bar...... I really didn't want to have a massacre tonight so I sent out a few thoughts that caused the people to leave one by one until me and my target were the last two in here.

"You've been trailing me all night...... I must say I'm impressed that you were able to do so, that's not a feat most men could accomplish." He said as he pulled his long dreads into a tight bun. "Then again you aren't a man are you?" He asked smiling.

"Of course not Osiris.... I much more........ before I kill you, I just wanna let your host know that there no ill will towards him, my beef is with the god inside, he just so happens to be the unfortunate recipient of a cursed bloodline." I said and then the next second I was behind him ready to snap his next when I was overcome with visions of my past......

I was standing in Egypt, my homeland standing on a sandy hill looking at the temples, a smile on my face as I gazed across an empire that should've lasted forever. Time moved forward and I was warning, begging with pharaoh to heed my warning but I knew it fell on deaf ears, I remembered this night vividly as I watched my priest, my friends, and my brother be executed before my eyes, the curse that was placed upon me and my soul. I was brought back to the present as Osiris stood over me.

"Khonsu....." He said taking a step back.

"Who are you to judge me....." I said jumping up and charging at him again but was blasted back with more visions of my past, this time I was in The Pit standing before a man with wings of every shade of black and grey, his cruel smirk as he promised me my revenge right before he boiled my soul in acid. I stood in the middle of a small circle as seven men took turns torturing my soul until there was nothing left. I remembered my first escape as I reunited with Jalen and cried as I told him the horrors I endured but that pain was nothing compared to see what had happened to my beloved homeland. "STOP!!!!!" I yelled as every glass in the building exploded with the force of a nuclear weapon.

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