Keyonna 41

543 51 32

Today was supposed to be my off day, I was supposed to do nothing besides relax and chill with Rashad but that all went out the window when he disappeared before I woke up leaving nothing but a note saying 'See U Later'. So now I was sexually frustrated and angry.... my grandparents had crossed the line and to make matters even worse my stalker was leaving magical gifts everywhere I turned. Was Jarek sexy? Fuck yes he was sexy but he was too pretty if that makes sense.... he didn't have that rugged, hard edge like Rashad, Jarek seemed too.... he seemed too.... preppy. I need a nigga like Rashad who would walk up to me in public, push my panties to the side and start fingering me in a crowd of people, Jarek seemed like he cringed at the idea of foreplay. But most importantly I loved Rashad, in those weeks that he was away something changed.... it was like I went from loving him to absolutely needing him, I felt like I was missing my heart and I wouldn't be complete until he was home, even my magic had suffered but now that he was back everything was getting back to normal.... well except for the dreams.

"Get your ass up we're going out to eat." Chance said walking into my bedroom, I felt a pang of guilt looking at him. He was surrounded by all this supernatural shyt and he had no clue, everyone around him was lying to him; his boyfriend the demon, his brother the supernatural police office who was the host of an ancient Egyptian god, and his best friend the witch... there was no telling how Chance would react once he found out.

"Why can't I just lay in bed and sulk over the dick that I'm not sitting on?" I asked and Chance rolled his eyes. "Come on Chance it's my day off I don't wanna go out in public, I might end up cussing someone out." Or blowing them up given the way my powers had been acting lately.

"Because it's a beautiful day and you look like you hell.... so some sunlight will do your ass some good." Chance said and I begrudgingly agreed.

After I got dressed I thought about the dreams I had been having; Dacien fighting the seven hooded figures, Hakeem standing alone at a desk as tears fell from his eyes, Chance stumbling down a long hallway, Xander rallying a group of werewolves, Rashad preparing for war, and a huge figure cloaked in fire standing in the middle of a street vaporizing everything in his path....... As scary as all that was the thing that scared me most of all were the boy and the girl, they looked around seventeen and though they didn't speak there was something about them........

"Are you alright you seem distracted?" Chance asked snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah, just under a lot of stress you know with the wedding and all..... plus my grandparents insist on ruining me and Rashad's relationship and the man they tried to sell me off to has been pretty much stalking me." I said not even wanting to think about Jarek.

"I know what you mean, Chosen has been trying to fix me and my dad's relationship but he's stuck in his ways.... he doesn't believe that two men should be together." Chance said shaking his head.

"I wonder what my parents would've thought of Rashad.... would they have liked him? I mean from everything my grandparents have told me about them my dad was all for following your heart so I don't think he would've objected to me marrying someone who actually sees me as more than a prize." I said wondering if maybe there was a way that I could......

"Looks like you're not the only one with a stalker." Chance said aggravated and I looked up to see Xander walking towards us. Seeing Xander made me think of the dream I had, I still couldn't decide whether or not Xander was on our side.... then again what was 'our side'? I mean I had aligned myself with demons, werewolves, vampires, an angel and all sorts of magical creature... were we the good guys or were we the villains?

"Sup Keyonna, have you heard from Rashad? I've been trying to reach him all day and I haven't heard back from him." Xander said looking at me and completely ignoring Chance, me and Chance looked at each other and smiled, we knew this game and Xander wasn't slick.

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