Chance 10

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Let's go back to what happened in the hours leading up to me going home; I was at work.... basically following Hakeem around and reminding him of business meetings, setting up meetings, making his schedule and getting fucked in the break room.... forget that last part. Honestly, it was the easiest job I've ever had Hakeem was really laid back and it seemed like everyone loved working for him and I had to admit he was a great boss.... but I didn't want whatever we had going on to be all about sex, though the sex was..... I couldn't even find the right word to describe how good the sex was I wanted to get to know him because right now he was a mystery. So tonight we were going back to my place for the sole purpose of getting to know each other.... that went out the window as soon as we walked into my apartment building; I wish I could say that Hakeem initiated first contact but in truth it was me. We stepped inside and grabbed him by the tie started kissing him and pulled him into the elevator..... I don't know what it was about Hakeem that just made me....... We got to my floor and he carried me down to my apartment, we got inside and I wanted nothing more than to suck his......

"CHANCE!!!!!" Tashawn said obviously pissed, I tried to get out of Hakeem's arms but he didn't let me down. I looked back at Tashawn then noticed the second person in the room.... my big brother Chosen. "YO CHANCE WHO THE FUCK IS THIS NIGGA!?!?!?!?" Tashawn said stepping towards us but Chosen pulled him back.

"I need to speak to my brother....." Chosen said in that same tone he used to us when we were younger, one that let you know he wasn't asking. Tashawn walked into the kitchen and started going through the fridge like he still lived here while Hakeem continued to rub my ass..... why was I still in his arms.

"Hakeem could you......" I asked and he sat me down on my feet. "Umm.... I'll see you tomorrow at work." I said looking around the room; Tashawn was pissed, Chosen seemed confused, and Hakeem was slightly amused.

"Aight... but I might need you to come in early, I need to start getting things ready for this party and I need your assistance." Hakeem said kissing me before walking out the apartment.

"Okay first of all, y'all breaking into my apartment..... not cool, second Chosen get your damn feet off my table you know if mom was here she'd smack fire out of you, Tashawn get the fuck out my kitchen because last I checked you didn't pay for shyt up in here." I said taking my blazer off.

"Chance we didn't break in.... technically my name is still on the lease so I can come and go as I please." Tashawn said while Chosen sat there looking at me as if I was going to disappear or something.

"Tashawn leave....." Chosen said and Tashawn looked like he wanted to argue but instead walked back to our old bedroom and closed the door. This was the first time in over four years that me and my brother have been in the same room and I was kinda nervous, the secret I hid from them for so long was out and there was no point in..... Chosen walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Why the fuck did you leave like that Chance?" He asked stepping back and looking into my eyes.

"You don't remember?" I asked staring at him.... "I remember that night vividly, we were sitting in living room and watching tv, two men started kissing and mom said that all gay people should be arrested, dad added that gay men should be loaded up on a boat and shipped off to an island then we should nuke the island and then you had to say your piece...... you said and I quote 'just the thought of gay niggas made you sick to your stomach and that you wished they would all die....'." I said looking at him. "Do you know how hard it was for me to hear that shyt? Do you know how hard it was for me to realize that I could never be myself around y'all.... I left because I rather y'all hate me for leaving than y'all finding out the truth." I said staring at him.

"Chance I could never hate you, you are my little brother, my world.... I was young and extremely stupid, I'm not like that anymore.... I've traveled the world and met some amazing people from all walks of life, but I wish you would've told me. Education is the key to understanding and had you told me sooner than maybe I could've...... mom and dad miss you a lot, you should call them." Chosen said shaking his head.

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