Hakeem 47

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It was now a matter of waiting, physically Chance was fine but there was something on the inside.... it was like his spirit was broken or something, his mind shattered. I swear I wanted to rip François's throat out but because of that damn contract I couldn't.... he looked so peaceful and I really didn't want to leave his side but Malakai said that he really needed to speak with all of us, maybe I'll be able to get some answers from François about what they did to Chance. As I walked out of my bedroom, I feel a clod tingle on the back on my neck.... it was familiar, something I felt the night my sister died, but I ignored it there was too much going on for me to be worried about something so unimportant. I walked into the room and everyone was already waiting; Leonadis, François, Jin, Xander, Jalen, Rashad, Keyonna, Dacien, and Malakai; they were all waiting for me but as soon as I saw François there was that cold feeling on the back of my neck again... it was almost as if someone was whispering to me. Malakai was standing at the front of the room as I took my seat at the head of the table and waited to see what he had to say.

"As you all know... or have probably heard, the person I'm dating is an angel. Like wings and halo angel, he went to Heaven earlier today and from what he was able to learn Heaven is closing it's gates, all angels are ordered to return and hell is about to be unleashed on Earth." Malakai said and I was still trying to wrap my head around how causal this conversation was.

"So you've been fuckin an angel? Does he have a brother?" Xander asked laughing and I was still trying to figure out why he was even here, if it were up to me then Rashad would replace him as the King of the Werewolves and even though Rashad was a lycan they were pretty much the same thing and Rashad was much easier to work with since he was family.

"So Heaven is going on lockdown... and hell is going to be unleashed.... I'm still trying to figure out how that's a bad thing." Dacien said and I sorta agreed with him, we were demons after all and hell on Earth wasn't such a bad thing.... however having been in hell I knew how bad things could get and I didn't want that kind of chaos fuckin up what we had going on.

"No you don't understand... from what Ezekiel has told me The Seven Deadly Sins are going to be the first to rise and me, you, and Hakeem know just how dangerous they are... supposedly they're looking for a new king and.... I think it would be better if he explained it himself Jalen do you mind?" Malakai asked and Jalen waved his hand and a second later Ezekiel appeared.

"Yes sis come the fuck through.... okay Malakai, I can see why you stopped coming to the vampire brothel, she's cute....." Françios said and he really needed to stop fuckin talking before I ripped his tongue out.

"I hope Malakai was able to give y'all the gist of what's going on.... I'm not going to lie, it's going to get bad and many of the people in this room won't make it out of this war alive our best chance of winning is if we make an alliance with the Brother....." Ezekiel said but Dacien slammed his hand on the table.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!" Dacien roared and given his history with them, Malakai should've seen this reaction coming. "We don't need them, I want to kill them and I'll be damned if I ever work with them again... it's bad enough that Cha..... look I'd rather deal with The Seven than those people."

"I have to agree with Dacien, my people have been nearly wiped out because of them all because they believed we had too much power.... I won't forgive and I'll never forget." Jin said and it seems that we were at a stalemate because Xander I knew was working with them and if what Ezekiel was saying is true I'd much rather have them on our side... at least until after this war.

"I'll talk to them and see if we can reach some sort of agreement, now if you'll excuse me I have to go check on Chance." I said getting up because I was bored with this whole meeting and I wanted to be by his side in case he woke up. "Rashad, Keyonna.... may I speak with y'all and also Ezekiel at some point." I said walking out of the room, a few minutes later they walked into my bedroom where Chance was still unconscious and I could see Keyonna's eyes welling up with tears. "He's strong.... I know he'll be alright he just needs time to recover his strength."

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