Chance 21

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Coming out to my parents was already awkward as fuck, but Hakeem didn't make it better by sending me a dick pic while my mother just so happened to be looking down when I opened the text. I really couldn't blame Hakeem because I started this whole situation last night before he left for a one-day business trip, I just didn't understand how one man could be so damn sexy..... I'm deflecting, but I couldn't stand to see that look on my parent's faces. My dad, he looked angry; he was the typical All-American dad, he went to a Big Ten school, was part of a fraternity, played sports and had an unyielding image of what a man 'should be', there was no denying that he wouldn't approve. My mom's face was mostly confusion.... it was like she was still trying to figure out each letter of my short but honest statement, although 'I'm gay' wasn't that difficult to discern. Chosen.... well he was no help whatsoever, he just kept picking at his salad and occasionally he would reach across the table and steal tomatoes of my parents plate; he hadn't even made it to the main course yet and I was ready to leave because I didn't want to have show my ass in this restaurant.

"Why?" My dad asked and that statement could mean a lot of different things; Why am I gay? Why did I run away? Why haven't I called? Why does this older black woman keep adjusting her breast every time my dad glanced in her direction? So I just sat there trying to stall for time. "Chance.... I asked you a question." My dad said and I looked at him and his deep brown skin and low key I was kinda nervous because my dad was scary when he wanted to be..... but then I shook that feeling off because I wasn't the same person I was when I left.

"What do you want me to say, dad? I've known I've liked dudes since I was a freshman, I was scared to tell you because I knew I would get this very reaction..... and despite what you believe this isn't something I could chose." I said looking at him.

"Does anybody want a drink? I'm thinking about getting a nice red wine or something......" Chosen said and I looked at him. "What I'm not drunk enough for this conversation..... it's not you Chance it's....." He tried to be slick and glance at my dad but this nigga didn't know the meaning of the word tact.

"You still should've told me Chance.... we could've got you hel......" Before he could finish I stood up. "You trying to do something?" My dad said sitting forward and started taking off his suit jacket, I stared at him for a second then sat back down. "Exactly, now as I was saying I could've gotten you help." My dad said.

"That's the thing I don't want nor need help.... I'm happy, this is my life and y'all don't have to like it but at the end of the day this is me." I said glancing at my mom who still looked like she was trying to solve a murder mystery. "Mom you haven't said anything....." I said looking at her and it seemed like she just realized where she was.

"Have...... have I ever said anything to hurt you?" She asked with tears in her eyes and my dad sucked his teeth. "Be quiet Charles.... Chance, have I ever said or done anything to hurt or offend you?" My mom asked again and I shrugged, I mean the answer was HELL YES but no matter how mad I got I hated seeing my mom cry.

"I'm going to the fuckin bar..... always babying his ass that's probably why he's so damn soft." My dad mumbled and Chosen jumped up and started walking after him, hopefully, he could talk some sense into him because I was over him and that Alpha male demeanor he tried to portray.

"So are you seeing someone.... I couldn't help but notice you got a text from someone." My mom said and I smirked and showed her a picture of Hakeem. "He's cute and it looks like he has money..... he actually reminds me of this dude I dated long before me and your father got together." She said shuddering a little, let me find out my mom had a little freak in her. We talked for a few minutes before Hakeem called.

"I gotta take this...." I said getting up and walking out to the waiting area. "Is this business or pleasure?" I asked trying to figure out which Chance I needed to bring out Freak Chance or Professional Chance.

"I told you with me they're one in the same..... but I just wanted to let you know something; I was doing some thinking during one of our breaks and I want you to do something for me....." Hakeem said and I stood there smiling like an idiot.

"And what exactly is that." I asked trying to control my breathing.

"Take your hands and close your eyes and picture me touching your thighs do you feel your body next to me. I'm in your mind but physically it feels so real when we're on the phone, the way you talk and the moan I put your body to the test it's not a fantasy but it's phone sex....." Hakeem said and I kid you not as he sang it was like I could really feel his hands on me. "Nah I'm fuckin with you, but I should be back in a couple hours so have a bag pack because you're staying with me tonight." Hakeem said and I had to sit my ass down.

"O....okay...." I stuttered and Hakeem started laughing.

"I'll see you in a bit." He said hanging up and while I sat there trying to control myself because I couldn't walk back to the table in my current condition because I was rock hard wearing slightly tight pants. Thankfully Keyonna called which gave me an opportunity to sit there a little longer.

"Chance we really have to talk in person....." Keyonna said and I could almost see her bouncing up and down, but she always wanted to talk and even though I loved her like a sister I knew if I went over there I'd be there all night.

"Hakeem wants to see me when I leave dinner with my parents....." I said quietly, my dad was looking over in my direction and I noticed Chosen was on the phone scowling. "How's Rashad?" I asked and I could feel her roll her eyes.

"He's still pissed that dude Xander or whatever was at his shop..... Rashad is talking about killing him the next time he sees him, you know Rashad doesn't play about Izreal, but I'm not going to hold you up just make sure when you're sucking his di....." I hung up because I knew she was about to say something raunchy. I walked back over to the table and dinner was pretty quiet, my dad was in his feelings, Chosen looked like he was trying to remain calm after that phone call he had and my mom seemed lost in her own thoughts. When we all started going our separate ways my dad walked off without saying anything to me and Chosen said something about business, leaving me with my mom.

"Let me talk to your father.... I'm sure he'll come around." My mom said and I shrugged, it didn't matter to me either way. "I.... I wanna meet your friend, sometime before we head back home." My mom said and just the thought of Hakeem made me......

"Well he's going to be busy the next few days so I'll see, but I gotta get home and make sure my stuff is ready for this party tomorrow night." I said and my mom nodded, before pulling me into a hug. After my goodbyes I got home and took a quick nap before waking up to get in the shower, Hakeem's plane should've landed in that time so knowing him he probably went home to change and since I had a few extra minutes and decided to walk down the street to grab a blunt wrap.... as I walked I couldn't help but feel like I was being followed.

"Ayy I'm about five minutes out...." Hakeem said as I walked into the store. "Damn I can't wait to see you...." Hakeem said and I started smiling.

"Aight I'll see you then......" I said hanging up, I grabbed something to drink and paid for my stuff, trying to shake this feeling I had. When I got outside there was this dude in all leather standing there smiling.

"Your pants are so fuckin cute where did you get them, sis....." He said popping his gum and I smiled politely.

"I got them..... from...." Something was off about this dude and for a second I thought his eyes were red. "From this store downtown, I forgot the name....." I said and he nodded.

"Well that's too bad.... they really are some nice pants, I'd hate to ruin them but....." Before I could react the dude grabbed me and pulled me behind the store, I tried to fight him off but this dude was unnaturally strong for someone his size, then I felt his teeth sink into my neck..... I was fading in and out, I was losing a lot of blood, right before I passed out some came and threw the dude about ten feet away.... that was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.........................

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