Jalen 24

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Keyonna was progressing faster than I could've ever hoped.... she was a prodigy and that made my job so much easier, for example, I tried to teach her the most basic form of magic which was pyrokinesis, she was able to light a room full of candles without any difficulty. I moved on to hydrokinesis and again she impressed me greatly.... once we finished the elemental aspect of magic I decided to skip straight to the more advanced stuff; astral projection, divination, and conjuring..... to be honest, I felt like with time and practice Keyonna may be the first witch since Hatshepsut to master the most difficult form of magic, Divine Magic then there would be almost nothing this girl couldn't do. We had been practicing for hours but I could tell she was getting distracted because Rashad had taken his shirt off and was really beginning to stretch his legs in his sparring match with Hakeem. I could tell she wasn't as invested as she was in the beginning and neither was I because of the person who had just appeared in red mist in the corner of the room..... Dacien stood there watching me and Keyonna, I really hated his beautiful face and I could tell he wanted to talk.

"Alright, Keyonna I think that's enough for today.... I'll see you again next week, whenever you get some free time I want you to practice conjuring a bird...." I said but Keyonna wasn't really paying attention. "Keyonna!" I said and she turned towards me.

"Sorry.... I was just thinking..... Rashad is a werewolf or lycan.... whatever Hakeem called him right so why doesn't he turn on the full moon like they do in those movies?" Keyonna asked and I rolled my eyes I could give an entire lecture on the differences between werewolves and Lycans but I decided to simplify it for her.

"Because Lycans have evolved to a point where they can control their transformation.... Rashad just hasn't been able to tap into it just yet but he's close..... and before you ask, no a lycan bite can't turn you into a lycan... neither can a werewolf bite turn you into a werewolf, you're either born with the gene or you're not." I said and Keyonna nodded.

"Good because Rashad bites me all the time and I refuse to be running around on all fours." She said and I walked off because as gifted as she was..... I'll just leave it there, I walked over to my bag and Dacien was waiting, he smelled of cinnamon and sahlab... which reminded me of home.

"You've been ignoring me Jalen....." Dacien said quietly.

"I'm not ignoring you Dacien, you have tunnel vision all you can see is the destruction of The Brotherhood and I'm just a distraction.... I'll let you handle your vendetta and after that we can reevaluate this situation." I said trying not to look at him.

"Jalen.... don't be like that..... I'm trying I really am..... but I can't it's not just because of The Brotherhood.... until I know we're safe..... and look I wanna take you out.... just you and me, go to Rome.... I hear the Romans built a powerful empire sometime after my death and...."

"Seen it, lived it.... wasn't impressed..... if you wanna show me a good time come down to one of my favorite cities on Earth.... I'll call you tonight and we can make the plans..... don't fuck this up Dacien." I said starting to walk off but Dacien grabbed my arm, stopping me then pulled me into his arms.

"I promise you Jalen...... when this is over, it'll be me and you until the end of all things. Just let me handle this and I swear you got me forever." Dacien said rubbing my face and I fell into those bottomless pits that were his eyes and stepped out of his embrace.

"Tonight Dacien don't be late......" I said walking straight through the wall and ending up back into my place in Louisana, I walked out onto my porch and smiled; there couldn't be any other place on earth that was so different from home yet felt some homelike..... there was something about this place; the cities, the culture, the history, the music, the art, and my favorite thing about this place the food. As I stood on my porch I noticed a mist coming up from the river.... I had seen this before and smirked, I was wondering when he would show up.

"Jalen..... let's kiki.... sis....." François said walking up to my porch, I conjured a table and some snacks, then sat down. "Why thank you sis.... now about this agreement that I signed.... you do realize that I plan on fuckin Dacien any chance I get right, I'm only telling you because I don't want there to be any hostilities between us since we'll be working together." François said sipping his tea.

"Why would I be upset? Me and Dacien aren't together and unlike you I refuse to jump into bed with someone I'm not in a relationship with.... so why would I be mad if Dacien wants to leave his kids with the other ones that are swimming around in that disastrous dick den you call an asshole?" I said looking dead into his eyes.

"Well as long as we're clear sis..... now if you'll excuse me, I met two wolves at the party who want to run a train on me..... I'll catch you later sis." François said and I picked up his cup and walked inside my house, I didn't trust that hoe at all so I had no problem looking into his future and seeing what exactly his endgame was because vampires weren't to be trusted. As I cleared my mind and looked through time I searched for François.... but for some reason Dacien kept popping up so I changed course and searched for Dacien's future.

Dacien was standing alone.... against seven hooded figures, his body was bloodied and he could barely stand but he was still smiling, with a cruel light in his eyes..... he turned to me and said run before he charged the seven hooded figures before I could see any more I was ripped back to the present to find the real Dacien standing over me.

"I've been calling you for hours..... I was worried that...... it doesn't matter look I'm here and you said you were going to show me one of your favorite cities.... so let's do this." Dacien said offering me his hand and I looked down at the cup and felt a sense of dread, what was the future trying to tell me and more importantly what did it have to do with François?

Later that evening me and Dacien were walking through the streets of New Orleans and I could tell he felt outta place, Dacien preferred quiet places but I could tell he was trying to put up a front for me, which I appreciated.

"Let's go get some Crawfish Étouffée." I said as me and Dacien made our way into a small mom and pop restaurant. "Dacien.... I know revenge is the main reason you came back, but you have to be smart about it.... don't rush in without a plan." I said remembering that in my vision there were seven hooded figures, it couldn't be a coincidence that there were seven members of The Brotherhood.

"Don't worry Jalen.... I have a plan.... I'm going to get my revenge and when I'm done.... everything you'll get everything I promised you..... and I know you think I like François but I don't..... I need him, he's a means to an end..... if I had a feeling they would be for you and no one else." Dacien said looking into my eyes. "Do you remember London during my last escape?" Dacien said smiling and I remember it fondly; we were making love along the River Thames during the Great Fire of London in 1666, I had a suspicion that Dacien started it over a dispute he had with King Charles II but he never confessed to it.

"Did you do it?" I asked and Dacien smirked as the waitress brought us our food. "Let's not dwell on the past, let's focus on our future and nothing else." Dacien said smiling and I nodded, the rest of the night was perfect, Dacien loosened up a little bit and he really ended up enjoying himself until we ended up on the stairs in from of my house. "Are you going to invite me in?" He asked putting his hands in his pocket.

"Nah....." I said walking inside and closing the door in his face, Dacien wasn't slick and I meant want I said earlier I refused to have sex with someone I wasn't in a relationship with and I meant it. Later that night as I slept visions came invaded my dreams; Dacien fighting the seven hooded figures, Hakeem standing alone at a desk as tears fell from his eyes, Malakai and a bright figure laying in a bed having amazing sex, Chance stumbling down a long hallway, Keyonna holding Rashad as blooding poured from his mouth, François jumping on my back, his teeth sinking into my neck, Xander rallying a group of werewolves, Malik and Izreal walking through a mall holding hands as Trudeaux walked up behind them and started to pull something from his waistband, and then the worse of all the visions..... a huge figure cloaked in fire standing in the middle of a street vaporizing every in his path....... I sat up quickly as sweat poured from my head, I needed to make sense of all this and there was only one person who could help..................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter: Rashad, Izreal, or Grizz? 

2) Who should get the following chapter: Ezekiel, Tashawn, or Keyonna? 

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