Dacien 56

397 36 15

I was still stuck in a state of disbelief, my head wouldn't let me process the fact that Malakai was.... nah, this was some type of fluke Malakai couldn't be.... I looked over at him and his body hadn't moved, the wound hadn't healed, and blood was now staining the white stones in the courtyard. I looked over at The Brotherhood as the mourned their fallen sister, the anger I felt for them for all these centuries just wasn't there as I turned back to the bodies of Malakai and Ezekiel.... Then I looked over at Azrael, he had more power than I ever felt before, surely he could've brought them back but our eyes connected and he shook his head, I felt.... sadness, an odd sensation that I had felt since I was alive, my eyes burned and I felt a murderous rage taking over my body. I turned to the last of the witches, the ones who survived the massacre and smiled, killing them would be fun.... they seemed to sense my rage and took a defensive stance, sure they had been played by Jarek as well but that didn't excuse the role they had to play in this and when we found a way out of here, Xander was next on my list.... As I moved to attack, the sound of coughing broke through my rage and I saw that dude Walter was still alive.

"DACIEN STOP!!!!" Chosen yelled blasting me back and as I lunged to finish Walter off. "I'm sorry, I just... look I know you want to kill him but he may have information about Jarek, you can't kill him yet." Chosen said and I felt the anger that I had been holding back to appease Hakeem starting to boil over.

"He's not the only one I want dead...." I said looking Chosen directly in the eyes letting him know he was still on my list. Chosen looked over at Briseis and shook his head. "But you're right, now isn't the time to settle old grievences.... we need to figure out how to break through his damn barrier." I said pulling out my cellphone but I had no service. "Ayy y'all were working with Jarek, yet y'all seemed stuck here as well...."

"Obviously he betrayed us... he lead us here to be slaughtered to fulfill his own goals." One of the female witches said, she had blasted me earlier with something and I'm not going to lie her power was impressive. "Jarek wanted to use this spot as a source of death... obviously he intends to use the magical blood spilled here as a conduit to perform a powerful spell." She said and I kinda figured that.

"So y'all got played...." Rashad said limping over to us, apparently, he was still weak from his time in capativity. "Chuckie, Terry, Tyler... y'all go find something to cover these bodies since we'll probably be here for a while. Chosen you can't break through this?" Rashad asked and Chosen shook his head. "What about you?" He said looking at Azrael who was still standing over his parent's dead bodies.

"I mean I could try... but I'm sure you understand that powers are usually tied to emotions and right now, I can't guarantee that I won't kill everyone inside the barrier." He said quietly, then he dropped to his knees and began to pray in Latin. "Archangele Michael, Archangele Raphael, Archangele Gabriel, Archangele Lucifer....." Azrael said and his prayer continued for twenty minutes, by the time he was finished Rashad's pack had covered all the bodies, and that kid Aiden was performing funeral rites over the bodies of the dead.

"I've been thinking...." Tashawn said and everyone turned towards him. "Xander was supposed to be patrolling the perimeter and yet he abandoned us at the first opportunity, this was tactical... he wanted to make sure all the powerful people were in one location so he could carry out his real plan, think about it we're all here which leave who unguarded?" Tashawn asked and it didn't take me long to figure out his target.

"The mansion... but that would break the agreement, he knows to go against us wouldn't be in his best interest." I said and even though I intended on killing Xander I don't think he'd be that stupid, then again as the host of Horus Tashawn understood war better than most. "There may be a way out of this... if we can open the barrier enough to get one person out, we could get Jalen here... if anyone knows how to lower this barrier it'd him." I said and since no one had any other ideas it was worth a try. "Azrael.... I need you to focus on opening the barrier, y'all are going to have to help as well, I'll go through come back with Jalen." I said and Azrael walked over to the barrier and punched it, a small hole opened but it was already repairing itself but that didn't stop him from punching it again, the surviving witches started helping and I noticed Walter trying to crawl away.

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