Hakeem 22

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Seeing Xander walked out of the alley holding Chance I didn't know what happened all I know is I was about to unleash the full fury of hell on him but right now my main concern was Chance. I grabbed Chance out of Xander's arms and gently placed him in my car before blasting Xander halfway across the street, it wasn't a full moon so the one percent chance he had to beat me in the first place was sitting at a solid zero. I could tell by the bite mark on his neck that this was a vampire, which meant as soon as I knew he was okay I was going to find François and rip his heart out through his loose ass. Xander got up slowly a walked over to my car, there was a hole in his shirt from my fireball and the was smoke coming from his shirt, but before he could start talking I sped off and called Jalen because I wanted to make sure Chance wasn't turning into a vampire because that would open up a can of worms I wasn't ready to discuss with him just yet. When I got to the hospital Keyonna and Rashad were already waiting and Keyonna started a firestorm of questions that I didn't have the answers to but there was someone who knew everything, so I walked into the bathroom and locked the door and the next second I was staring at Dacien.

"Hakeem what's......" Before he could finish I was hurling fireballs at him and though I wasn't really trying to kill him but, I was pissed and I was trying to show him just how far my anger reached. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!" Dacien said jumping to the side as a fireball land inches from where his head was seconds ago.

"YOU WANNA EXPLAIN TO ME WHY A VAMPIRE ATTACKED CHANCE TONIGHT!!!!!" I asked summoning another fireball only for Dacien to strike me with lightning, which pissed me off even more because that shyt hurt like hell. "SO YOU WERE BEHIND THIS ATTACK!!!!" I yelled getting up off the floor.


"Call François and tell him to get his ass here NOW!!!!" I said and Dacien looked at me for a second and François walked into the living room wearing nothing but a see-through robe with a glass of.... was that blood?

"You called Daddy?" François asked and before he could raise the glass to his lips I was standing in front of him. "I heard the entire conversation Daddy and I promise you I never told my minion to go after your little boyfriend..... I'll deal with him accordingly." François said smirking and I started to choke his ass but Dacien started pulling me back.

"Is Chance going to be a vampire?" I asked François whose very presence was pissing me off.

"Please... when we bit it's to feed or kill, if he wanted to turn Chance it would've been a much different and longer process..... but give it a day or so and Chance will be fine. Hopefully, that calms your anger a little bit, though I want you to hold on to some of it and take the rest out on my bussy." François said lifting his robe and giving me a full shot of his ass. I turned around and was back in the bathroom, making sure there were no visible signs of my short disagreement with Dacien before walking back out to the lobby with Keyonna.

"What happened?" She asked and her anger had melted into sadness, I looked at Rashad and I knew not to mention Xander because from what Dacien mentioned earlier, Rashad was looking for him.

"He was attacked.... walking from the store. The person who attacked him was.... look Keyonna there's no point in keeping you in the dark anymore, Chance was attacked by a vampire and before you get upset I know what you are as well and I would love to discuss it further with you but right now making sure Chance is alright is my top priority so excuse me." I said walking off. I stayed in Chance's room all night, in the morning Chosen showed up with Tashawn and I could tell there was going to be a problem, Tashawn, without saying a single word blamed me for what happened while Chosen's only concern was his little brother.

"What happened....." Chosen asked quietly and I wasn't stupid enough to mention vampires because I knew who they were and the last thing I needed was The Brotherhood of the Pharoah on my ass.

"I don't know.... I was supposed to be picking Chance up and he walked to the store when I got there some dude was bringing him out the alley saying he was attacked by someone......" I said looking at Chance.

"That sounds like straight bullshyt......." Tashawn said. "So you mean to tell me that you just so happened to pull up right after Chance was attacked?" Tashawn asked and I looked at him and tried to remain calm.

"You can check our phone records.... and the store's security camera..... but look I think we should leave Chosen with his brother." I said getting up and walking over to Chance then kissed him on the forehead. I walked out into the hallway and saw Keyonna waiting, I guess it was time for me and her to have 'the talk' so I walked over to her and she handed me a coffee.

"Two questions.... how's Chance and how did you know about me?" She asked quietly and I looked around, it was pretty early so we were pretty much alone.

"Let's just say I have of knowing who's supernatural and who is mortal.... I knew what you were the second I met you, I knew what Rashad was the second I heard him speak and I know the thing that attacked Chance was a vampire...." I said quietly. "I have a friend.... he's willing to train you to use your magic." I said.

"Well look I appreciate...... wait what is Rashad?!?!?!?!" Keyonna asked and I laughed quietly, I knew that would get her off of my trail for a couple minutes.

"Look Rashad doesn't know.... but he's a lycan." I said quietly.

"Lycan? Like a werewolf?" Keyonna asked confused and I shook my head.

"Nah they're part of the same family but different species, more advanced.... I would love to go into greater detail but not in public, look come to the party tonight and I'll explain everything. Oh and don't mention any of this to Rashad... at least not yet, I don't think he's ready to learn the truth about his bloodline just yet." I said and Keyonna nodded. I noticed Tashawn watching me as I got up and walked into Chance's room, Chosen was still sitting by his brother's side. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect your brother...." I said quietly.

"It's not your fault.... I'm just glad you or whoever saved him was there........" Chosen said and I nodded, I kissed Chance again and walked out the room, looked at Tashawn again and took my ass back to the house to get ready for this party tonight. I got back to the house where Malakai was sitting alone, I guess Dacien went to go check on things for the party tonight which was fine by me because I wasn't ready to see him just yet.

"I heard about Chance.... are we going to have to drive a stake in his heart." Malakai said and I just looked at him. "It was a joke Hakeem relax.... but in all seriousness, how's he doing?"

"He lost a lot of blood but he's expected to make it.... I'll stop by the hospital on my way to the party to check on him again." I said walking off because I really wasn't in the mood for questions, I walked back to my bedroom and François was waiting, wearing that same see-through robe from last night.

"I've done some thinking Hakeem...... and I want to prove to you that I'm all in on this allience so to prove my loyalty I'm going to offer you a deal, you can stay here and fuck me until we're both unable to walk....."

"Pass....." I said looking at François who seemed undeterred by my quick shutdown of his unwanted advances.

"Or I can take you to the vampire who attacked Chance and you can have your way with him, honestly I think the first option is so much better for the both of us." François said opening his legs and spreading his ass apart.

"Bring the vampire down to the basement..... and get the fuck off my bed before you become the next person on my list." I said walking out the room, since returning from The Pit there has been a small part of me the worst part of me that had been itching to come out but I've managed to hold him back but today I was about to let him take control and make this vampire regret ever looking in Chance's direction.....................................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter; Dacien, Malakai, or Rashad?

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