Hakeem 8

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I walked along a lonely dirt road in Mississippi, it was a quiet Sunday morning but the memories played loud in my head.... this road used to be lead to my home, now there was nothing there but grass, dirt and the ruins of an old plantation. This place brought up a lot of good memories, like how me and my younger sister would sneak out at night just to look up at the stars, how me and my cousins used to play once all the work was finished for the day, the sound of the slaves singing through the fields..... but I also remembered the bad, the sting of the whip on my bad, the cries of women being raped, the dogs.... I continued my walked through the forest until I reached my destination, though there wasn't much there I knew I was in the right spot... I could feel the countless, nameless dead buried beneath my feet, I used my sense and reached out to the earth until I found the one I was looking for, I pulled the body from the ground and before it fully emerged we were back on my property, I walked out to the grounds away from the house and gave my sister a proper burial. Before I could say a few words I heard a quiet knocking and I was back in my office sitting in my chair just as Chance walked into the room.

"Mr. Jones, you do realize it's Sunday.... and I usually like to sleep in on Sundays." Chance said walking in and I smiled, he was really something else.... he had a fire in him that I hadn't sensed in any other mortal.

"Chance.... you don't have to call me Mr. Jones and you were the one who called me remember? I'm busy all day tomorrow so you this is the best time to talk.... and get that look off your face, I'll be good." I said leaning back on in my chair. "Now tell me what's on your mind?" I asked.

"Mr. Jones first I don't want special treatment just because we've hooked up a few times, and also I can't accept the car or the apartment... I'll be your assistant but that's it, everything else has to stop.... including the sex." Chance said and I could tell he regretted saying that as soon as those words left his mouth.

"Fine we have a deal but I still insist that you call me Hakeem, and that's not me giving you special privileges I've told all my employees to call me Hakeem, we're a team and just because my name is on y'all checks doesn't mean I'm better than y'all." I said looking at him and Chance shifted nervously. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" I asked leaning forward a little and could feel Chance's heart racing.

"I.... I have to go...... it was nice talking to you, Mr. Jones.... I mean Hakeem." Chance said getting up and running to the door and right as his hand touched the gold handle he hesitated, I stood up and walked around my desk, watching his every move waiting for the inevitable. "Fuck!!!" He said before turning around and the next thing I knew we were fucking like animals on this expensive ass carpet......

The next day I was out with Dacien and Malakai, they were telling me about there little trip to see the vampires and I shook my head, I've never met a vampire and planned on keeping it that way... from what I've heard they weren't exactly the type of people I usually hung around with, though they could prove to be useful in the future..... we were at a park watching these teenagers playing a game I really didn't understand... what was the purpose of this game? Malakai seemed to really be enjoying the show but I was lost.

"Watch he hit this three......" Malakai said and one of the boys shot the ball and it went in with no problems. "Damn he's gotten even better than I used to be." Malakai said smiling. "So what's up with this press conference and why do I have to be there?" Malakai asked while Dacien watched another group of boys across from us.

"To introduce the change in leadership..... and also to get the press on our side, so far they haven't been too kind to our takeover and I want them in my pocket, why did y'all go see the vamps?" I asked looking at Malakai who started laughing.

"Because we were horny and they're freaks... I'm telling you Keem I had three of them sucking my dick at the same time. You definitely should've came with us." Malakai said and I looked at Dacien who seemed disturbed by something.

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