Chance 4

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I knew I was dreaming.... or rather I knew I was having a wet dream but it felt so real that I was almost afraid to wake up, I could still feel Hakeem's lips on my neck, feel his fingers digging into my skin as I rode him in oblivion, and I could feel his dick inside of me.... long, thick, and powerful. Each one of his strokes had meaning, like he was writing a love song inside of me.... I would be lying to myself and everyone if I told them that Hakeem didn't have the best dick I've ever had because that man was better than the best. Then my dream shifted... I was back in my parent's house, it was the night I ran away and my homophobic parents were doing and saying homophobic shyt while my older brother laughed.... I knew I had to leave that place so I packed all my stuff and waited until the dead of night to sneak out the front door.... but inside of finding my quiet neighborhood the entire street was on fire.... this is what I imagined Hell to look like. Bodies burning, lava flowing down the street, the screams of tortured souls crying out in the distance..... I sat up on the couch and looked around for Hakeem but he was gone, figures. I walked into the kitchen and found a letter on the refrigerator.... Business to handle, but I wanna see you tonight - Hakeem.

"Chance open this damn door!!!!" Keyonna said banging on the door of my apartment and I rolled my eyes, why was she so damn loud? I walked over to the door and opened it, Keyonna pushed her way inside and started opening curtains, letting in the first signs of sunlight. "Details..... and make it quick, I gotta be at work in an hour." She said sitting down on the table.

"Work? Keyonna it's Saturday you don't have to work today." I said moving to the kitchen.

"Umm no it's Monday and you have to be at work in an hour so you better shower, get dressed and spill tea at the same time." Keyonna said and I ran over to my phone and grabbed it, where the fuck did the weekend go? "That man must have some good ass dick if you're losing track of the days. Don't you remember me coming over here Saturday morning after you failed to call me?" She asked and I vaguely remember talking to her through a crack in the door as Hakeem fucked me slowly.

"Wow..... oh my god I'm about to be late on like my third day!" I said jumping up and running into the bathroom. I got ready in record time, before me and Keyonna were heading out the door. "I really hope I don't get fired." I said as we pulled up in front of Cox Enterprise.

"Forget all that..... I'll be here to pick you up for lunch and I want a shot by shot recap of everything that went down this weekend and when you get off you're coming over so we can finish." Keyonna said kissing me on the cheek. "Love you boo....." Keyonna said as I got out the car and walked inside. It was still pretty early so maybe I could catch a glimpse of Hakeem walking in, but after an hour of waiting Hakeem never walked through the door I figured he was either later or lying about working here.

"Wassup Chance....." A dude I didn't know said walking up to me, it took me a few seconds but then I realized he was one of the dudes that was with Hakeem at the club on Friday night. This dude seemed kinda young from his playful smile to the mischievous glimmer in his eyes, but he was sexy none the less. "My bad, my name is Malakai.... Hakeem's brother." He said and my heart started racing maybe he could tell me where Hakeem.... no I didn't want to come off as thirsty or dick crazed.

"Nice to meet you.... umm do you work here as well?" I asked trying to keep the subject away from Hakeem.

"Yeah something like that..... but listen I don't know if Hakeem has told you but we're throwing a little party at the end of the month and I really think you should come. I know Hakeem would enjoy having you there giving what he's been through I think it'll do him some good to have some fun......."

"Malakai......" A forceful voice said and the third member of their trio walked over to us. "I've been looking all over for you, when did you get back?" The dude asked as if I wasn't even there, they had a short conversation and I tried not to listen but I was nosy. "Malakai we have somethings to take care of, you....." He said pointing at me. "I was asked to give you this." He said handing me a piece of paper, before I could ask what it was he started walking off leaving me alone.

"Mr. Pineda... the boss would like a word with you." My supervisor Brenda said walking over to me and even though I had been here a few days I already hated this bitch. "Fix your shirt and you were told to wear a tie as part of the dress code, I'm afraid I'll have to write you so once you're done speaking with the boss come to my office..... if you're still working here that is." She said walking away, stupid bitch....... When I got to the executive elevator a large man with a face that looked like it was made from clay stood there blocking my path. I was almost afraid to speak because this dude looked like he was over everything, but I was already in trouble with my supervisor so I didn't want to piss off Mr. Cox.

"Umm..... I was told that I......" Before I could finish, the man turned around put in a code and stepped aside, without so much as a word. "Uhh.... thanks." I said stepping into the elevator and the entire ride up I was nervous, when I got off the top floor smelled like money and I really hoped I wasn't getting fired because I was hoping that one day I could be living like this, I walked through the long hall until I came to two large obsidian doors trimmed in gold and knocked quietly. The door creaked opened and the room was almost completely dark..... with the exception of a few rays of sunshine spilling under the dark curtains.

"Chance I'm disappointed in you..... do you know how hard it was for me not to come down there and fuck you in front of all my employees?" Hakeem said turning around and I damn near tripped when I saw him; he was sitting in a massive chair, his shirt unbuttoned and his dick in his hand. "We can discuss that later though, right now I want you to come ride this dick." Hakeem said smirking.

"I don't think that would be a good idea..... if I would've known that you were..... I just don't think we should be mixing business and pleasure.... Mr. Jones." I said looking at the name on his desk. Hakeem got up and started walking over to me, flashes of what happened over the weekend came rushing back; Hakeem fucking me against the wall in my living room, me riding his dick on the kitchen floor, Hakeem eating my ass on the coffee table........

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'pleasure doing business'? Well I'm trying to give it a new meaning..... and there's no reason why two mature adults can't enjoy having sex with each other without it interfering with business. Now you can walk out this room without the fear of losing your job which I know is on your mind..... or you can do what you've been wanting to do from the moment our eyes met." Hakeem said and for me the choice was clear, the next thing I knew I was on top of Hakeem's huge desk while he fucked me roughly. "Fuck I missed this ass...." He said as tears of pleasure flowed from my eyes.

"Ohh fuck....." I said holding onto the desk for dear life.

"Mr. Jones...... oh my god...... I'm so sorry......." A woman said walking into the office her face as mask of both shock and interest.

"It's fine.... Marie, just forget what you saw here today and we'll be good." Hakeem said never once stopping his stroke, there was something about his voice that just..... before I could figure out what it was, I heard the door close and we kept going like she never walked in here. By the time we finished the sun was starting to go down and we were laying in a tangled mess in front of his fireplace.

"You're not going to fire your assistant are you." I asked looking up at Hakeem who seemed to be dozing off.

"Nah... I'll probably send her to work with my brothers..... that's a good idea, yeah tomorrow she'll be assigned to Dacien or Malakai and you can take her spot. I really don't need an assistant but since Dacien insist I have one I'd much rather it be you." Hakeem said and I started to protest but he silenced me with a kiss. This was all becoming waaaayyy too much, we were moving waaaayyy too fast, before I could decline his offer the fire in the fireplace grew unnaturally large. "Ummm Chance, we'll discuss this later.... I just remembered I have to make a phone call. Is it okay if I stop by your place?" He said kissing me on the cheek and running over to his phone, I got dressed and looked at him one more time..... yeah this was all becoming too much, tomorrow for sure I would put in my two-week notice because I knew I couldn't continue working here.................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter; Dacien, Tashawn or Keyonna? 

2) I need names for some new characters that will be introduced a little later in the story; I'm looking for 3 male names and 2 girl names. 

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