Malakai 53

519 41 19

Can a demon go into shock? I'm only asking because this dude standing before me, bout grown as fuck was claiming to be my son with Ezekiel... first of all how the fuck does that even work? I know Ezekiel's body is angelic but it still was a man's body and I damn sure made my body exactly how it was before I died... true I may have extended a few things but for the most part I was still me. But there was something familiar about this dude, like I just felt a connection to him and a small part of me knew he was telling the truth... I just wanted to know how and when this shyt happened. Then there was the twins, who showed up not too long after this dude Azrael with Hakeem (more on that later because something wasn't right with my boy, but he was in the back room resting) but they claimed to be the children of Keyonna and Rashad, I could see it but more importantly, I could feel it, the boy Keyon had the same aura as Keyonna, while the girl Sade definitely had the blood of the wolf inside of her. I'm sorry I'm still stuck on how a male demon and a male angel could make... I don't even know what to call this kid. A dangel? An aemon? Damn, I MAY have a whole kid who's not a kid... this shyt was getting weird.

"I'm going to need for you to run that back one more time, y'all are from the future... y'all are here to stop the apocalypse but y'all can't tell us what starts it and how to prevent it." I said looking at the three of them, Keyonna was eyeing the twins and she really didn't seem surprised but Malik was... my little bro looked baffled.

"All you need to know is that Rashad will die at midnight... we have to prevent that from happening because Jalen has the right plan as far as the wolves are concerned... Xander can't be trusted he's already plotting to side with The Seven Deadly Sins." Azrael said and the way he commanded the room.

"Okay... got it, now to the most important question how were you conceived because I don't think I'd look right pregnant." I said examining my abs, Azrael let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head.

"When you and Ezekiel were.... doing it, and y'all entered the Plane of Passion something happened... y'alls love for each other created a spark of energy and from that spark I began to take form.... look I don't really like discussing the circumstances surrounding my birth, it's awkward enough already but you try explaining how you were made from pure love." Azrael said.

"Do you have a bellybutton?" I asked and Ezekiel elbowed me in the side. "OWW What? I think it's a legitimate question." I said rubbing my side.

"Yes, I have a...." Azrael started blushing and I almost laughed, I never really wanted kids and yet here was a grown ass man standing before me that was all me... with a little of Ezekiel I guess.

"Wait if you're from sixteen years in the future... why do you look about twenty-two?" I asked.

"My power if beyond comprehension, I can look however I want.... this is just my natural HUMAN form, my demonic form is even sexier and my angelic form would destroy everyone in a three mile radius..... but never mind that, we need to go save Rashad, we also need to start the spell to help Chance because if he's not saved by tonight then he'll be trapped in his own head forever." Azrael said.

"We'll split up into two teams; Team A will focus on saving Uncle Chance, that team will consist of; Jalen, mom, Uncle Hakeem, Malik, that Shaman, the chick from the Brotherhood Nikki, myself, and Ezekiel.... with Cato and Uncle Jerome standing guard because they're planning to abduct Uncle Chance tonight." Keyon said.

"Team B will be an attack force that will infiltrate my great grandparent's hideout and rescue my dad...." Sade said. "That team will be me, Dacien, Malakai, Azrael, the rest of The Brotherhood, my dad's pack, and we'll need Xander."

"Didn't you just say that Xander was going to turn on us? Why would we want him on this mission to save Rashad if we know he's a snake?" Keyonna asked.

"Why don't you worry about saving Uncle Chance and let me worry about saving my dad?" Sade asked and Keyonna looked like she was about to come across the room but just then Hakeem walked into the room with his shirt of and I noticed a branding mark on his chest.

"A curse... a powerful curse at that." Keyon said walking over and examining the mark. "But he'll have to fight through it, sis.... we should really get going. Uncle Izzy... you have to stay here and out of the way since you're the only one in his room that's...."

"Useless....." Izreal said walking towards the back of the house and Malik walked after him.

"I wasn't going to say.... it doesn't matter, we really need to get going and fill The Brotherhood in on the plan. Malakai, you and Hakeem should go get Dacien, we're definitely going to him and his particular brand of savagery. " Keyon said before he, Azrael, and Sade walked out of my apartment. I walked over to Hakeem who looked like he was struggling to stand, Hakeem was the strongest person I knew but right now he looked like he wouldn't be able to teleport across the room.

"You good bro?" I asked walking over to him and Hakeem nodded. "Keem, maybe you should sit this one out." I said looking at the mark and reaching out to touch it but I felt a searing pain in my fingers. "What the fuck kind of curse is that?" I asked rubbing my fingers.

"I don't know but I'm not going to let Chance.... I heard everything and I gotta save him. We'll figure this pout later.... but you might wanna go check on your bro." Hakeem said sitting down and I didn't want to leave him alone but he was right I needed to check on Malik. I walked into the room where Malik was sitting across from Izreal, though Izreal wasn't saying anything out loud I knew he had a lot to say inside of his head.

"Izzy.... you're not useless, it's just that for this thing you don't have a role in their plan....... I get that he's your brother and you wanna help but you'll just make things more difficult than they need to be..... just stay here and wait for me to finish with Chance..... I'll ask." Malik said turning towards me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked looking at my little brother.

"Izzy wants to come with me, he feels like even though he can't do anything he could still offer emotional sup... also he doesn't want to be here by himself." Malik said and I could tell Izreal was telling him more than what Malik was telling me.

"We promised Rashad that we would keep you safe... and in order to do that your best bet is to stay here.... Sorry." I said waving my hand and Izreal instantly fell asleep. "He'll be alright, he'll wake up tomorrow morning with a headache not remembering most of this conversation... but we should really get going and you got a little...." I said pointing to his nose which was bleeding.

"Sorry... that happens when I strain myself or when I'm having an intense conversation." Malik said but I just had a feeling there was more to it than he was telling me. "It's nothing Kai... but you're right we should go." He said standing up and walking over to me, I grabbed his hand and a fraction of a second later we were back at the house.

"Head inside, I'll go back and get Hakeem and then I'm going to get Dacien." I said but the air turned cold around me as Hakeem fell to the ground next to me, I moved to help him up but he waved me off. "Malik help Hakeem into the house... I'll go get Dacien." I said vanishing into a cloud of black smoke. I reappeared at the vampire coven, of course, there were a bunch of bottoms... I mean vampires making out and fuckin but I wasn't impressed. I searched around room to room until finally, I came to the last room where I found Dacien; he had four vampires with him, two on either side kissing all over him and one of them was.... "You know the old me would be upset that you're fuckin my ex but... I really don't care. We gotta go something has happened." I said and Dacien looked at me and smiled as Sammie kissed him passionately.

"Give me like an hour." Dacien said pulling Sammie to his lap and ripping his clothes off, see Dacien wanted to do things that hard way and since I wasn't done torturing Sammie, this should be pretty fun..............................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) I know this chapter was kinda short but the next few chapters are going to be really long with a lot of detail and some deaths.... so who should get the next Dacien, Chance, or Rashad?

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