Jalen 52

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The amount of power and tension that was in this room was so thick that I was surprised that it didn't take shape and kill us all; Dacien was mad that his hands were glowing white-hot, Chosen and the other members of The Brotherhood of the Pharaoh were on guard, waiting for Dacien to attack. I looked at this incarnation of The Brotherhood they were far weaker than the previous but still Chosen unnerved me as well as Tashawn, fighting those two would be difficult and it didn't help that they had an Aztec with them... but we were all here to help Chance so, for the time being, we'd have to get along. While we waited for Hakeem and Rashad to get back I thought about Jarek... my descendant, I knew what his endgame was, he wasn't just trying to unleash the Seven Deadly Sins, he was trying to rule over them, Jarek wanted to be the King of Hell and if that happened, his power would be immeasurable. To put it into context it would probably take all four archangels at their peak to defeat him and even then I wasn't sure it was possible. I got up and walked out of the room, I knew it was a bad idea leaving Dacien in there alone with them but I knew he wasn't crazy enough to defy Hakeem.

"What's your issue with me.... with us, witches have always had a good working relationship with the Brotherhood and together we uphold the natural law.... but I can't help but feel you and that demon want to kill us all." Chosen said stopping me in the hall.

"The Priest of Khonsu." I said and it took Chosen a second but then he understood. "So you can see why Dacien holds a grudge, why the very thought of working with y'all is worse than torture for him.... I was there the night it happened, your ancestors cursed Dacien and condemned him to a fate worse than death all because he tried to save Egypt."

"That was... what five thousand years ago? I'm not sure about the history but that has nothing to do with me... Chosen Pineda. Not my ancestor or any past incarnation of Ra, I just want my brother to be safe and I'm willing to do anything to make sure that happens." Chosen said and I could sense the sincerity in his voice.

"I'll speak with Dacien.... see if we can work something out." I said starting to walk away but Chosen stopped me again.

"Just a few more things.... the winged one... he hasn't said anything about us has he?" Chosen asked and I shook my head. "Okay.... and my ancestor, what was the reason that he placed 'that' curse on Dacien?" Chosen asked.

"Three brothers.... The oldest chose the path of the gods, the middle took the throne, while the youngest was a great warrior, destined to lead Egypt into greatness, and had he been allowed to sit on the throne his line would've made Egypt the most powerful nation to this day.... Dacien saw that and wanted to replace the pharaoh... The pharaoh got wind of it and killed all the priests in the temple of Khonsu including Dacien beloved little brother." I said and Chosen seemed to understand. "You understand the power of brotherly love.... now multiple that by a trillion and it still wouldn't compare to what Dacien felt for his brother and to see his throat slit by The High Priest of Set.... it destroyed him." I said quietly.

"Thanks.... for telling me this, I'll let you get back to your work." Chosen said walking back into the room while I head towards the kitchen. I needed to speak with Dacien and Hakeem, there was a plan I had been working on and it was getting close to the time to enact it. As I stood by the kitchen counter making a sandwich I felt a presence behind me, with blinding speed I turned and threw a knife leaving it embedded inches from Cato's head.

"You single?" He asked grabbing the knife and balancing the tip on his finger. "I'm not gay or anything but I couldn't help but notice how fat your ass was and well... I'm horny like all the time, Huitzilopochtli is a warrior god and well I've always been of the mind that sex and war are the greatest things on the planet." I'd be lying if I were to say Cato wasn't attractive; he was definitely more rugged that his cousins... however, no amount of good looks would change the fact that I would never get involved with another person who could host the old gods... and besides my heart belonged to someone else.

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