Dacien 40

573 51 11

I had just helped Jalen escape, now I had to go back for my brother.... seconds that felt like a lifetime as I watched the High Priest of Set slit my brother's throat and smile as he did it, but before I could raise my hand to kill him I was blasted by six others knocked to the ground as the Brotherhood of the Pharaoh descended upon me and the Pharaoh himself stood, his face was blurred but I knew he smiling waiting to cast judgment..... The vision shifted and I was in the Underworld except this wasn't 'our' Underworld this was.... different, colder, more malicious, I stood before a man with ebony skin, and wings of the blackest night, royal purple, and midnight blue.... he radiated power but he had this bored look on his face and a sadness in his eyes. Before his throne of bodies stood seven shadows, each giving off a different feeling; wrath, lust, greed, pride, gluttony, sloth, envy; the entity on the throne opened his mouth and the vision shifted again. I was crawling from The Pit, I was almost at the surface, crawling for my life... they were right behind me when a hand grabbed mine and pulled me up, I looked upon his face and smiled; we returned to Egpyt only to see my beloved homeland hand been taken over by Romans......

"Idiot.... he should've known that killing the host of Osiris would place a curse on him. Right now Dacien is reliving his worst memories and there's really nothing we could do besides let it pass." Jalen said and though I was aware of his presence there was nothing I could do, my body was numb, though I felt pain... how does that work?

Again I was swept away by memories, demonic bounty hunters were hauling me back to The Pit I knew I'd be punished but I was grateful for the time I had with Jalen. Pain, pain and more pain.... imagine someone going inside your body and setting fire to every single strand of DNA, someone pouring acid on every cell, it was worse than that. Eventually, my punishment was over and I ended becoming close with the man on the throne... the Morningstar, Lucifer. His sadness came from the mistakes he made, missing his father and brothers, hating this place he was condemned to for his pride.... he wanted to retreat into the abyss but he needed a replacement and he assured me someone was coming though he couldn't see him clearly....

"How much longer.... we need Dacien in order to move forward with our plan plus we need to discuss the Brotherhood, things have.... changed." Hakeen said and I knew he wanted to prevent the raise of the Seven Deadly Sins.

I stood with Wrath, Greed and Lust, watching this unruly slave fight, he had this fire to him... his soul burned brighter than any in The Pit, he had something special to him...... a passion that made him, for lack of a better word, he was perfect. Pride appeared next to us clearly unimpressed by this new soul, of course, Pride felt he was the best at everything, Lust seemed interested in the kid especially since he was able to resist Lust's power. There was something about this kid though, something familiar.......

"That nigga faking.... look at his eyes twitching. I bet if I cut his dick off he'd get up, someone give me a meat cleaver." Malakai said and I felt the numbness starting to dissipate. The pain was diminishing and I could tell the curse was starting to lift, just as I was about to open my eyes, I felt a tug on my spirit and then I was ripped back to The Pit; this was different this was definitely the present.

"Dacien..." A voice said from the darkness, I should've known. "Don't you think it's funny how y'all haven't encountered a single Demonic Bounty Hunter.... I want you to succeed, true I could do this all by myself but I want him to be sharp if he's going to assume the throne of Hell." Pride said materializing before me.

"Hakeem? The new King of Hell?" I asked looking around.

"Obviously.... though I personally think my father is overlooking me, I alone could fix Hell and could bring it to its true glory but he believes that Hakeem is the correct choice and I know better than to question him. So I want you to continue killing the Brotherhood or whoever else you can kill in order to help us rise.... Lust so misses his favorite plaything. Oh you won't remember this conversation, but you'll subconsciously continue on your mission... see you soon old friend." Pride said and I sat up quickly.

"About time...." Jalen said, his face completely exhausted but satisfied with his work. "Ayy where are you going?" Jalen said pushing me back on the bed of ice, but I fought against him. i had already killed one, I needed to kill six more. Jalen stopped fighting me and snapped his fingers and suddenly the whole world went dark as I fell back on the bed, unable to move....

I woke up hours later in my bedroom, it still felt like all my bones were broken and my blood still felt like it was acid but for the most part, I was fine... I got up and stumbled out of my room and down the hall to where Hakeem, Malakai, and Jalen sat with Jin, Leonidas, and François were all gathered and it seemed like they were in the middle of a heated discussion.

"What have I missed?" I asked looking around the room before I could get an answer, François floated over to me, wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me.

"I was so worried about you Dacien... I thought, I thought I'd never get to experience that meat stick again." François said running his hand down my chest, I glanced over at Jalen who couldn't hide his anger. I gently pushed François away and made my way over to the table and took my place to the right of Hakeem.

"Where's Xander?" I asked pointing to one of the two empty chairs in the room.

"On assignment.... but to fill you in on what you've missed so far is basically I wanted to include another into our little faction and since this is a democracy we were voting... I'm glad you're here though because we seemed to be at a tie and since Xander isn't here we need someone to break the tie.

"Hakeem wants to bring The Serpent into the fold.... I'm strongly against it because we both know that Apophis doesn't share power." Jalen said and just say that name I felt the temperature in the room drop a considerable amount.

"Hakeem.... I've dealt with The Serpent in the past, no good can come from this. Including it into our little faction would only seed Chaos.... this alliance is already an uneasy one when you include the wolves but to at Apo... The Serpent always has ulterior motives." I said looking at him.

"Well I invited her over and I think we she should just hear her out but until she gets here we'll have to table this discussion.... right now the more pressing matter is how to deal with the Brotherhood of the Pharaoh." Hakeem said and I could tell he wasn't feeling my decision concerning The Serpent. "Dacien I know your whole thing is revenge but killing them only serves Jarek's interest and I don't like being used." And though I knew he had a point there was this nagging feeling in the back of my head, a voice that told me to kill them all.

"The Old Gods have destroyed this world and countless lives.... leaving them alive is causing more harm than good and even though I see your point we have to at the very least contain them.... That is possible isn't it?" I asked Jalen who was still scowling in François's direction.

"It's possible but complicated and Jarek already has a head start on us, he's already captured Osiris, Ares, Apollo, and Artemis... if he gets three more then it's game over. He'll raise the Seven Deadly Sins and hell on earth will begin. There are thousands of old gods he can pick from but he seems to be focused on Egyptian and Greek... the oldest and most powerful." Jalen said and I could tell by his voice he was extremely pissed.

"So... what you're saying is.... we have to protect them?" I asked quietly as my hand started to glow white hot. "I crawled out of The Pit to kill them, not protect them......"

"Dacien it's only temporary.... at least until we can find and kill Jarek, direct your anger at him. Once he's out the picture you can finish your revenge tour." Hakeem said, the door opened and Xander walked in like he owned the place, Hakeem looked like he wanted to rip his throat out but decided against it.

"Hakeem, your sexy ass boyfriend is in the living room waiting for you." Xander said kicking his feet up on the table.

"Dacien, can you handle things while I go talk to Chance?" Hakeem asked and I nodded, I watched him walked out the room and it was like I was hit by a sudden vision.... I was back in Egypt, the night that I lost everything. The Brotherhood of The Pharaoh stood around me, holding me in place; the High Priest of Ra stepped to the side and the Pharaoh stood before me, his face sad as he looked down at me..... his face, Chance's face shed a single tear as he began chanting the spell that banished me to The Pit..............

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter; Hakeem, Chance, Malakai, Ezekiel, Keyonna, or Rashad?

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