Chance 63

450 36 33

I was on the clock, I knew what I needed to do but.... has anyone ever broke up with a demon before? And if they had, did they survive? It didn't matter at this point, I needed to end things with Hakeem, not because I wanted to but because whatever Michael was going to have me doing required focus and I knew that if me and Hakeem were still together I'd.... and I know what you're thinking, what would breaking up solve? Well, I had a plan for that, I walked into the building where I was supposed to be working, honestly, I couldn't even tell you the last time I actually clocked in but it didn't matter..... fuck why did my legs feel like lead? I got on the elevator and thought about everything that's happened over the last few months, I still wasn't entirely sure what those vampires did to me but I felt different..... I got to the top floor and when I walked into the executive office Hakeem was in the middle of a board meeting, well that's what it would've seemed to the untrained eye but I knew better, sitting around the table was; Dacien, François, Jin, and Leonidas..... Xander was here as well and for the life of me I couldn't understand why but I really didn't like the way he was looking at me, and neither did Hakeem who cleared his throat loudly.

"Chance, I'm kinda busy at the moment, do you mind waiting for me in your office? I shouldn't be more than ten minutes." Hakeem said and I nodded before closing the door, a part of me wanted to be nosy and listen in on their conversation but the doors were so thick I doubted I'd be able to hear anything.

"I didn't think you were coming in today," Keyonna said as I walked into my office, she was sitting at my desk talking on the phone and I shrugged as I sat across from her. "Are you nervous?" Keyonna asked hanging up the phone and I shrugged.

"About as nervous as anyone would be that's about to break up with their demonic boyfriend, who also happens to be their boss. Then there's the whole training with an Archangel.... being away from dick for six months isn't something I'm looking forward to either. I can only imagine how you must be feeling, the next time I see you, you'll be nothing but belly." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't remind me, I can only imagine how Rashad will react when he sees me..... then to not be able to release all the pent-up aggression I know he's going to be on edge." Keyonna said looking down at her stomach. "Do you think we'll ever get back to some sort of normalcy? I don't wanna raise my children in a constant state of war."

"And what exactly is normal? You have always been a witch, Rashad has always been a lycan.... even if y'all didn't know it, that part of y'all has always been in your blood and I don't think there's ever going to be normal again...." I said and Keyonna let out a low sigh. "Don't feel bad, look at my situation; my family has been hosting Egyptian and Aztec gods since forever and for some strange reason I've been skipped over.... but there this Archangel who seems to believe I have something interesting about me and he wants to unlock it."

"Chance.... you'll be spending every single day with Michael..... six months, day and night. You'll also be single, so I'm saying.... for my spirit I need for you to let that man... angel, fuck you into oblivion." Keyonna said and I rolled my eyes. "Boy you've had a little piece of hell, it's only right that you see what heaven has to offer, I was talking with Raphael and he told me angels don't look at sex the same way we do.... you better at least try or we're not going to be friends."

"And if you go into labor before I see you, we'll never speak again." I said and Keyonna smirked, I was about to inform her that I was serious when a quiet knock came at the door. I didn't even have to turn around because I knew it was Hakeem, even knowing what he was he still did something to and I wanted nothing more than to kick Keyonna out of my office, lock the door and spend the next few hours getting the best dick I've ever experienced.

"I hope I'm not interrupting.... Chance whenever you're ready to talk I'll be in my office." Hakeem said and without looking at him I nodded. Keyonna got and mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'suck his dick' before walking out of the office. "I already know what you wanna talk about and I agree.... a break would be good for us. I'll be focused on my training and I know if we're still together I'm going to want to sneak off for some secret rendezvous and with us taking a break.... well I'm still going to want to see you but it might be easier to resist." Hakeem said sitting at my desk.

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