Chance 13

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I was walking down a long dark hallway; the temperature was below freezing, but I continued down the hall to the large black door, this door seemed familiar. But everything was calm in the worse possible way, it was almost as if whatever was behind this door was DEATH...... I pushed the door open and tried to make sense of what I was seeing; there was Keyonna with her right arm extended, the stress on her face was paramount as if whatever she was trying to hold was too much for her. In the center of the room was a black figure..... it seemed to be fighting against Keyonna until it noticed me, the figures aura turned to sadness as Keyonna began to yell something indiscernible. Time froze and the figure said clear as day....... I woke up and looked around my room trying to figure out where I was, I had been so used to waking up next to Hakeem in that California King size bed.... but I realized I was back in my old apartment. I got out of bed and stumbled my way to the living room where Chosen was still sleeping on the couch and Tashawn was in the kitchen cooking.

"You want some breakfast?" Tashawn asked and I stood there looking at him for a second, he seemed different than he was before he left, more at peace and comfortable in his own skin. Tashawn didn't seem as cold or distant, but that didn't change the facts of our relationship... our problems were far deeper than our inability to communicate, there was the staying out late, calls from random numbers or him leaving the room whenever he was in the middle of a conversation. "I never cheated on you, Chance....." Tashawn said out of nowhere.

"I never thought you did.... though you did do some pretty sketchy shyt when we were together." I said sitting in the chair and looking at him.

"Yeah I mean I did have a dude that I was talking but I swear we never did anything..... I just vented to him about stuff that was going on with me, stuff I should've been telling you." Tashawn said quietly, we sat there looking at each other, I really didn't know how to respond to that statement. "So what's the deal with you and ol'boy? That your new nigga?" Tashawn asked and I rolled my eyes.

"None..... of..... your..... business......" I said slowly so that he could understand every word I was saying, Tashawn smirked as Chosen started to stir in his sleep, he sat up and looked around the room confused for a second and then smiled in my direction.

"Damn little bro I forgot you lived here..." Chosen said standing up. "Where have you been hiding?" Chosen asked and I rolled my eyes yet again, he was not about to start this protective big brother thing because I had no problem taking his ass to a bus stop and sending him on his way. "Chill Chance I'm just playing..... but look we're going to be leaving today, not leaving the city but letting you have your apartment back."

"Y'all don't have to leave...." I said quietly, now I know that may sound crazy but the only reason I wanted them to stay here is so that I had an excuse to stay in Hakeem's apartment. Chosen started to say something but his phone rang and after a short conversation he walked out the apartment and I could tell he was pissed about something.

"We're getting a little house on the outskirts of town..... a business opportunity presented itself and we don't know how long we'll be staying." Tashawn explained as I walked over to the window and looked down; Chosen had just made it outside and he was yelling at the man and this woman with bright white hair, they both seemed a little scared of my brother and whatever Chosen was saying had them shook. Before I could investigate further Keyonna's car pulled up and I knew she was coming up here to talk shyt, I backed up and Tashawn was standing right behind me, his hands moved to my waist and I pushed him away.

"The second you broke up with me was the second you lost all rights to touch me.... now step all the way back." I said stepping away from him. "But it's nice to see you've gotten past that little mental block you had." I said pointing at his dick.

"I feel like I can go for hours......" Tashawn said smiling. "And I only broke up with you because I felt like you weren't happy and I wasn't happy.... two people who are miserable shouldn't be together, but I'm happy now and you're glowing so maybe we should try to reignite that fire, come on Chance it's been ten months since I last busted help your boy out." Tashawn said making his dick jump in his shorts.

"Call your friend.... the one that you were venting to, to help you out." I said walking over to the door and unlocking it for Keyonna. "Why are you walking like that?" I asked Keyonna as she walked through the door.

"Because one of Rashad's ignorant ass friends told him about D/s and my stupid ass let him convince me to try and it and now I can't walk straig..... eww why is he still here." Keyonna asked glancing over at Tashawn, I shrugged and she shook her head. "Whatever.... but now Rashad has a new favorite pass time, I had to sneak out the house because he has the stamina of.... something with a lot of stamina. Now go get dressed because I'm taking your ass to get a vehicle." Keyonna said and I rolled my eyes but didn't argue.

An hour later we were walking through a car dealership, showing Keyonna how much I got paid was a bad idea because now she was trying to get me to buy a big ass Yukon Denali, I'm not going to lie I've always wanted one but at the same time I wasn't trying to spend more money than I had too..... but God this car was beautiful, there was something about the pearl white that just made me......

"You like it?" Some whispered in my ear and the fact that I was about to lay on the ground and spread my legs let me know exactly who it was. "I could see you driving something like this.... but I can also see us fucking in the back seat." Hakeem whispered and I had to force myself to remain calm as I turned to face him.

"Are you stalking me or something?" I asked looking directly into his eyes and he smirked and shook his head, before licking his lips.

"Nah I left the gym with my brothers and as we were driving I noticed you.... I couldn't just drive past without coming to talk to you and invite you to dinner..... it's nothing major, there's this really good Cajun restaurant that I wanna try." Hakeem said eyeing me hungrily.

"We'll be there....." Keyonna said walking over to us and smiling. "Hi I'm Keyonna, I don't think we've been formally introduced, I'm Chances best friend and the one you'll have to answer to if anything happens to him." Keyonna said and Hakeem let out a deep laugh that made me take a few steps back because if I didn't I'd probably be on my knees right now. They shook hands and Keyonna's face dropped, then she quickly put on a fake smile and mumbled something about a phone call.

"So dinner is at seven.... I'll text you the address, do they have a bathroom in there?" Hakeem asked and I nodded, he walked off and Keyonna quickly walked back over to me.

"What is your analysis?" I asked sarcastically. "Good, bad, married, got four kids...." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I felt nothing...... it was like..... nothing was there, good or bad. Maybe Rashad fucked up my aura or something, hopefully, I'll find out more at dinner..... but let's go sign these papers so I can get to my appointment." Keyonna said as we walked inside the dealership and as we were walking in Hakeem was walking out and winked, letting me know he did something that was either going to piss me off or end up on his desk getting fucked.

"I don't know how I should feel about him paying for my car....." I said as me and Keyonna walked outside. "I mean everything is in my name but I don't need a man to...... OWW what was that for?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.

"Chance what did I tell you about questioning your blessings? Let that man take care of you, obviously, he wants you to be independent but if he has no problem dropping a couple stacks on you I say let them. Now, are we good here because Rashad is blowing up my phone and so are my grandparents." Keyonna asked and I started laughing.

"Are they still in town?" I asked and she nodded. "Maybe you should talk to them..... I mean they are loaded and if you play your cards right maybe you can convince them to stop being rude to my future brother in law." I said knowing how much Keyonna's grandparents hated Rashad.

"Right when that happens I'll buy my grandma a new wig...... But look me and Rashad will be at dinner so don't start without us." Keyonna said kissing me on the cheek. I guess I need to get home and find something to wear, plus I wanted to make sure Chosen and Tashawn were gone because if everything turned out perfectly tonight then there was a good possibility that me and Hakeem were going to end up back at my place and I didn't want anyone blocking my blessings as Keyonna would say.....................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter; Keyonna, Hakeem, or Tashawn?

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