Chapter 3: His Gaze Met Mine

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The luna was waiting for me in front of the house. As soon as she saw me, she broke down crying. "Emma! It has been so long." She pulled me into a tight hug and I could barely breathe.

A tall handsome man rushed out from the main door. He looked just like an older version of Caleb, so he had to be the Alpha. His eyes were golden, but he calmed down once he saw me.

"Emma is that you?" he asked cocking his head to the side.

The Luna finally released me.

"Oh... Hello Alpha and Luna. I am Anna nice to meet you." I bowed. "May I know who Emma is?"

A yearning look flashed through the Luna's eyes but it was quickly replaced with excitement. "Emma was your mother sweetie. Excuse us, you look just like her. Come with me, let me show you."

They dragged me inside of the house and to a room full of portraits. The Luna showed me a picture which had a younger version of the Alpha and the Luna and a younger woman in the middle of them with her arms across both of their shoulders.

I recognized the woman as she looked just like me, but she had shorter hair. She looked more on the tomboy/fighter style.

"Oh my gosh, my mom was a third wheel!"

'Pretty nice, Anna. We finally see a picture of our mom and this is your reaction,' said my wolf.

Oh, are you finally done feeling sorry for yourself? I said.

'Shut up.'

The Luna and the Alpha laughed.

"That sounds like something she would say!" the Alpha said.

"Your mother was actually our matchmaker dear," the Luna winked. She looked so poised. When I winked, it looked as if I was having a stroke.

"I have some more work to do, so I am leaving to the main house. Have fun with your girlie chat." The alpha gave the Luna a quick kiss and left.

The Luna and I walked into a smaller room where tea was already served.

"So, tell me how has your life been? Tell me about your family," the Luna said.

"I lost my parents when a was one year old and I was adopted by a human couple. I had to leave them when I turned ten and had my first shift but I have since then reconnected with them. I was raised by the Alpha of the Silver Fang Pack."

"Oh, so you were raised by the Alpha Family. You're Beta Amores, aren't you? How did you become the Beta?"

I smiled politely. "We lost our Beta and his wife a while ago and his only son was five at the time. He's sixteen right now. I took over the responsibilities as Beta of the pack and head of the warriors at the age of eighteen. I've trained the future Beta since he was seven years old."

"Oh, poor boy. It must have been so difficult for him to lose his parents at such a young age. How is he doing?"

"Right now he is training in a neighboring pack. I'm planning to keep on training him here in a couple of months if the Alpha approves. He looks up to me as a mother figure. Way to make a girl feel old." I chuckled.

The Luna snickered. "Oh, so you know the struggles of raising a teenage son."


"I'm sorry for what happened to your parents. If I'd known, I would have taken you in." She put her hand on mine.

"Do not feel bad Luna. I have no regrets about my life at the moment. My only pain is not having found my mate yet." I smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Soon you will, Anna. Call me Marcy by the way. You are family."

"Thank you, Marcy."

We talked for about an hour about our likes and dislikes and it turned out we had similar tastes. We agreed to have lunch together, tomorrow. Talking to her made me feel closer to my mother.

"Your room is the fourth on the right in the second floor, I put a Moon sticker on top of the door frame. Goodnight, Anna."

We said our goodbyes and I went find my room. At this point, I was more asleep than awake. I walked up the stairs and turned. I counted one, two, three, four rooms. This must be it. The door wasn't locked so I opened it.

There was Caleb with the two girls from this afternoon--one of them on her fours and the other knelt beside him kissing him.

"Harder..." the blonde said, and he began thrusting harder. Now, I was awake.

"Oops, wrong room. Sorry."

His gaze met mine and he stopped. He said something that I didn't bother listening to as I sprinted out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

Larentia was already whimpering and I rolled my eyes as I walked to the stairs. I had effectively taken left instead of right. I facepalmed. This time, I checked for the sticker before opening the door. Yes, this was the room.

I sunk into the soft king sized bed and observed the room. It was painted in lavender tones. It had a walking closet, a black dressing table, a small brown sofa facing the large windows with a bookshelf on one side and a desk with a chair on the other. I even got my own bathroom.

The room was way better than I expected. I considered for a moment moving in here permanently but then laughed at the silly idea. My possible mate lived down the hall and he seemed like a fuckboy. Larentia has not shut up her sobbing yet.

'It's official, we're getting a new mate. There's no way I'm accepting that...' 

Larentia growled. 'Are you seriously suggesting what I think you are suggesting? You were as opposed to the idea as much as I was.'

'I was against the idea, but he is going to reject us. I can feel it. Call it intuition or experience, but I just think that we will wait four months only to have our heart broken.'

She sighed. Thankfully she still wasn't head over heels for him.

'Let's make a deal,' said Larentia.

'I am listening.'

'If he rejects us I swear I am going to give up immediately. I will not mope around and... I will accept whatever choice mate that you pick.'

In the case a werewolf's mate died or if he/she was rejected by his or her mate, after accepting the rejection it was possible to find a new mate as long as the wolf approved of her/him. This rarely happened though, as wolves were too stubborn to give up their mates even after rejection.

'What is the catch?' I asked.

'One kiss... That is the only thing I ask for. One kiss from my true mate, and then I will forget about him. I will use these months to mentally prepare for what may happen.'

'Take it easy. He might not reject us. I am just being paranoid.'

I was feeling guilty for my negativity. I wished my intuition told me otherwise, but I cannot ignore what I have right in front of me. That kid is not going to give up his man-whoring ways for me.

'I trust your instinct and your judgment Anna. If you say it, it must be true. I might be being blind because of the bond.'

'I am sorry, Larentia,' I said.

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