Chapter 40: Charm

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I was in my room at the pack house catching up with Elena and Alex. The three of us were lying on my bed talking. After listening to latest gossip at our pack, I finally got a chance to ask about my family.

"So how are mom and dad doing?"

"I haven't really talked to them in two months. They were climbing the Everest a week ago, though. They sent me pictures." Alex sat down and scrolled through the gallery of his phone. He showed me a picture of our parents, in the whole climbing getup, smiling jovially. They look so happy.

Since our parents stepped down from their positions in the pack they have been travelling and exploring the world. At first they called every two days, but the intervals between calls have been extending. The last time I talked to them was two months ago and they were on a Caribbean cruise. 

"I am glad they are enjoying themselves," I said. "Elena, where is Aiden?"

The smile on Elena's face disappeared and she looked at Alex for support. She knew that whatever she was going to say would not amuse me. "Oh. He received an invitation to go train with another pack. He left almost a week ago," she said.

"In which pack he is training now?" Aiden enjoys trying out many different training methods. So, since he began shifting, I have allowed him to train from time to time with other packs.

"He said a friend he met during Summer invited him to his pack, but he did not mention the name." She chuckled to ease the tension. When she saw my blank face, she went quiet and looked away.

"You are so not ready to be a parent." I pulled out my cellphone and called Aiden. He did not pick up. I sighed.

"He is just training. Don't worry," said Alex. 

I kept calling him over and over but he did not pick up. I sat straight on the bed. "You give him to much freedom Alex! I trusted you would keep him in check. You were the one who said that you had everything under control, and that I should come here. What if something happens to my kid?"

Alex sat up. "First, he is not a child anymore. Second, he will be just fine. He is stronger than most of our warriors already. There is a reason you have allowed him to train with other packs."

"Yes. But, those were close packs where I had many friends to look after him."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Just call him and if he uses the code word, we go get him."

"What do you think I am doing?" I decided to send him a text message: 'Aiden. Please call me when you read this.'

Alex kept talking, while Elena stayed quiet. She knows better than jump into an argument between Alex and I. "You are always so overprotective of him. The poor boy did not ever leave the house, besides going to school and training, when you were there."

"That was his own choice. He is a quiet person and dislikes crowds. If someone hurts even a hair from his head, I swear-"

"Don't you finish that sentence. Nothing will happen to him." Alex growled at me.

I scoffed. "Abusing your power as always."

"I could never win an argument with you otherwise. I will take responsibility if something happens. But, everything will be alright, so stop fighting."

I exhaled loudly as I gave up trying to reason with stubborn Alexander. "Okay. He will call me soon. I know it."

"See? You can be positive."

"I am still mad at you for not consulting me."

Alex stood up. "I am his Alpha!"

I stood up in front of him, with my hands on my hips, not caring that it does not matter what, I will never look imposing to him. "And I am his mother!"

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