Chapter 81: Please

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One year and eight months later, August

"C'mon, Anna. We can't miss this!" Anthony was dragging me across the private airport of the Mountain Oasis Pack. The few people around us were giving us curious glances as we speed walked through the crowd. I shot Kevin a pleading look while mouthing the words "help me." He shrugged and gave me an apologetic smile.

Gosh, I hate to be manhandled. "I can walk on my own! Grab your mate's hand!" I pulled my hand away and Anthony and Kevin halted.

Anthony laughed. "Certain micro-turtle needs my help right now."

I clenched my fists and shot him a death glare. "If you are talking about me, I don't. I'll let you know that move my legs faster than you! It is not my fault that one of your steps is four of my steps. I swear if you-"

"Actually, it would be nice to hold hands on the way there." Kevin stood between the two of us and winked at me.

I somehow managed to stifle my laughter when Anthony silently grabbed Kevin's hand and kept walking. I jogged behind the two men, laughing at how easily Anthony had given in. This is nothing new. Kevin always has to step in to stop our bickering.

We finally got to the car, a limousine, because Anthony is that extra.

Anthony kept grinning devilishly and even snickering at times, while Kevin looked at me sympathetically and shook his head. This is creeping me out.

"What was so important that we had to run out of the airport? We were supposed to have a free month, weren't we? I am tired. My head hurts. I want to take a shower and sleep." Thirty-two days of hunting rogues in India are more than enough work for this year. We had just gotten to the airport and met Kevin when Anthony began laughing maniacally and told both of us to run to the car.

"Trust me. This will be interesting." Anthony smirked.

Ugh. I am getting nothing from him. So annoying.

Kevin put a hand on my shoulder and smiled kindly at me. "This is not the ideal situation, but I know you will be glad to be there to solve it."

"Shh... No spoilers," Anthony said.

I narrowed my eyes to him. Each of my conversations with Anthony end up in me glaring, or rolling my eyes at him. In the good days, I punch him in the stomach.

We arrived at the pack house.

Alpha Tobias Maddox was waiting for us. He waved as soon as he saw the car. It's funny how he is like a slightly more mature version of Anthony, but he is the younger brother. "Council member Amores-Lobo. Big bro and brother in law. Good thing you came."

I laughed at his attempt of a serious greeting. Look at that smug smile on his face, he probably thinks that he nailed it. This family is blessed and cursed with good genetics and goofiness.

"We were about to start an important meeting between several packs when those two went crazy and began fighting for some reason." Tobias clasped my right shoulder and gave me a severe expression. "I am sorry we had to sentence your son to death for his unacceptable behavior, but rules are rules. You can go say goodbye now."

I felt the blood drain from my face. I moved my numb and shaky hands to cover my wide-open mouth. "No..."

Laughter erupted around me. Anthony and Tobias were chuckling, gasping and snorting almost in sync. I seriously hate these guys. I wonder if they know.

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