Chapter 97: Let's Start

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A/N: Song "The Only Exception," by Paramore.


There is something magical about waking up next to the person you love most in the world. It pumps up your heart rate and fills you with energy to start the day. This wasn't the case today since I couldn't get any sleep last night. By the time Caleb and I had finished catching up, it was 6:30 AM, and there was no way I would go back to sleep. So, here we were having breakfast in the restaurant we both loved.

"I tell you, they are staring." I took a sip of my dark coffee keeping my eyes on the waitresses that kept stealing glimpses of us and giggling. Ok maybe they were not staring but I was getting uncomfortable anyway.

Caleb chuckled. "Okay, they are. But, that isn't surprising. We have each other's marks. They're just curious about their Luna." He reached across the table to caress his mark on my neck.

The warm sensation that erupted from his touch had me clenching my tights closed. Freaking mating instinct. I swatted his hand away. 

Stop it! That's not fair!

He smirked. 'Okay, okay. Later.'

We finished our breakfasts and got on our way. 

This morning's training would be very different to the usual torture. Being formally introduced to the pack was important, but the priority was to get everyone in shape and restore their trust in their Alpha. As they were right now, it would be a matter of time before they betray him.

"They wouldn't betray me, Anna."

I shifted my gaze from the car window to Caleb, who was giving me a meaningful look.

"First, don't go through my thoughts like you own my mind. Second, what's the point of lying to yourself and me? Don't forget that I can feel your fear."

He looked away but then laughed. "Feel my fear? What are you a villain? Can you taste it as well?"

Ugh. Annoying little--

"There's nothing little about me." He stuck out his tongue.

I blocked him. Otherwise, not even my endless love for him would save him. 

"Aw. Love of my life. I feel lonely without your warm thoughts."

A graceful snort escaped me. "You're in an awfully good mood today..."

Caleb took my hand on his and kissed it. All these butterflies made me feel like a teenager again. I ran my hand through his soft hair and enjoying the smile that adorned my mate's face. All that gloom and angst that surrounded him the day I found him in the dungeons was gone.

"How could I not be happy when I'm finally with my soul-mate?" He blew me a kiss.

"Well, happy-you is annoying." 

There wasn't a minute by his side in which I wasn't laughing, chuckling or smiling. He's like happiness materialized--my happiness and only mine.

We finally arrived at the training field. I didn't miss the look the warriors gave us as we walked toward the middle of the woods-surrounded field. They were already in neat lines waiting for orders. Excitement, shock, terror were some of the feelings that reflected on their faces. Surely, most wouldn't know what to make of having a Luna all of sudden. It could make things better or worse.

"Hello, all. I am Anna Amores-Lobo and I'm your Luna." I smiled.

Gasps and chatter erupted from the crowd. If they were surprised before, now they'd be astonished. They should've received the notice that a council member was coming to stay for a while in their pack, and now that same council member was wearing their Alpha's mark. 

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