Chapter 69: The Trial

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The day the whole Silver Fang Pack had been waiting for had finally arrived: the trial of Alexander Hunter for his crimes against the Beta and future Beta of their pack. The trial was to be held in the neutral ground as requested by Alexander Hunter. So, the Court House of the Mountain Oasis Pack, which is former Alpha Maddox's Pack, was chosen.

Representatives of the council, Alphas from selected neighboring packs, the Alpha family of the Silver Fang Pack and the new Alpha couple of the Blood River Pack, among other curious werewolves, assisted to the open-door trial. Alpha Wallace refused to attend.

Aiden was the first one to be called to present his testimony. Everyone's faces contorted in horror as Aiden narrated the torture that he and his mother were subjected to. Besides the occasions in which Aiden had been used as leverage to manipulate Anna, he had been spent his whole time there in a dark room in solitary confinement.

He explained with gruesome details everything Alexander Hunter had done to his mother: from the wolfsbane injections, to the torture with silver, the beatings and, finally, the murder attempt against her mate. He did refrain from naming Anna's mate, claiming that he had already rejected her and there was no point in bringing him into the problem.

At the mention of the rejection the room erupted in pandemonium, a mixture of shock at the revelation and sympathy toward the now famous heroine. Most of the attendants had heard the rumors, but had refused to believe such a baseless claim. No one believed that there could be a werewolf so foolish to reject Beta Amores. Alexander Hunter on the other hand was grinning triumphantly.

Anna's bother noticed how Anthony looked at the commotion in amusement. He rolled his eyes and turned his gaze toward the older member of the council, former Alpha Han, sitting next to Anthony. Former Alpha Han cleared his throat. Immediately, a loud growl from Anthony ripped through the room and the noise quieted down.

Alexander Hunter was called to present his version of the story. He sat holding his head high, with his back straight and a smirk on his face.

"I am truly surprised at the turn of events. I kindly extended my invitation to future Beta Wolf, by his own request, and to his mother, my future Luna, to my pack and they accuse me of kidnapping. Both went there willingly. I am perplexed at how this kid can accuse me of such vile acts. He was punished for stealing from me. He took advantage of my trust and stole pages of books that belonged to my pack. He is now covering for his own crimes.

"Also, how can he accuse me of something he personally did not see. The truth is that Anna and I are in love. She stayed with me in my own room and I even cooked for her the whole time she was there. If I had mistreated her as you claim, she would be here denouncing me. Where is she then?"

Everyone lowered their heads. The Alpha Family of the Silver Fang refused to comment in the subject. Finally, some brave soul among the crowd whispered: "she died in a rogue attack." It had been barely audible, but it reached Alexander Hunter's ears. His eyes turned black in rage. He growled at Anna's brother. "She was with you! You should have protected her!" he yelled.

Alex looked down, knowing that it does not matter who the messenger is; what matters is the message. The message that the guy he despised had given him had gotten to him. Alexander Hunter had to be restrained with silver chains again as he threatened to attack just about anyone in the room.

People looked shocked in response to the former Alpha Hunter's declarations. Alex felt his blood boil when he heard some people whispering that maybe Beta Amores and the bastard were romantically involved. However, all the uncertainty among the ignorant werewolves was slowly dying out after Abigail's testimony. She talked about the night at the party when she found Anna laying on the floor after the crazy ex-Alpha beat her.

"Don't you see how much she wants power? She is just a traitor like her mate," Alexander Hunter said.

He was told to wait in silence as other people presented their stories, and that afterward, he would have an opportunity to talk again. However, once Adam's turn to talk arrived, the culpability of the former Alpha seemed certain.

Adam presented extensively documented proofs of his former Alpha's deviant behavior. He showed enlarged pictures of the bruising and bleeding wounds in Anna's body; reports of the experiments with wolfsbane; voice recordings of the time he tortured Anna with silver and threatened to kill Aiden; and even a video of Anna's kidnapping, in which Alexander's voice could be heard.

After all the evidence was shown, the room fell silent for a moment while everyone processed what they had just seen. Only muffled sobs mainly from the Alpha family of the Silver Fang Pack could be heard, but soon many other werewolves joined them in their indignation.

The cherry on the top was Alpha Alex declaration of how he found Alexander Hunter on top of his sister just about to rape her. The room filled with gasps and the anger coming from Anna's father was tangible. If there was any doubt left, the declaration of council member Anthony Maddox put Alexander Hunter in evidence as the sick bastard he is.

Alexander Hunter kept his head low and did not utter a single word. Even he had the smallest instinct of self-preservation. The animosity against the bastard that filled the room was nerve wracking even for Anna's brother.

When council member Han's verdict reached his ears, Alpha Alex left out a sight of relieve. Alexander Hunter title of Alpha was officially striped from him, and he was declared to be too dangerous to go rogue. He was sentenced to be kept in wolfsbane shots as he had done with Anna and to stay in the prison of the Mountain Oasis Pack. Alex felt deflated but glad at the same time. He was not going to his pack's prison but at least he was going to be punished.

As everyone stood up to leave, former Alpha Han cleared his throat. "Maddox here just informed me that the Mountain Oasis Pack prison is not receiving new inmates for the following six months, so Alexander Hunter will be transported to a nearby pack for the time being."

Anthony smirked and gave Alex thumbs up. Anna's whole family smiled widely at the news.

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