Chapter 71: The Other-Other Side

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Six months later, July 8

I was alone sitting in the quiet white room waiting. What was I waiting for? I couldn't remember but I had been here for as long as I could remember. Time did not seem to pass, and not even my own voice be heard. I had tried to find a way out many times, but there were no doors, so I just waited.

One day was different though. There was a small voice. Who is that?

"Mom... Wake up," the sad voice repeated over and over. "Wake up. Please, forgive me."

His voice was so low, hoarse, and full of sorrow; I wanted to answer him, comfort him, but I could not leave this damned room. I shouted and screamed, but, as always, the white noise was not altered. So, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cold wall. I listened to his words. My instinct said that this person must be someone important to me, but I did not know why.

"Today is my birthday. I am finally eighteen. Mom, you missed your own birthday. Do not miss mine please," the boy said between sobs.

Did I miss my own birthday? No cake for me? Wait. How old am I?

"Elena had a baby boy. She and Alex want you to be his godmother and mentor."

That is waaay to much responsibility. Nope, not doing it. Who is Elena anyway?

"Please wake up? This would be the greatest birthday present. Please, mom," he whispered.

I stared at my right hand. I could clearly feel the warmth of someone holding it, and something warm and wet running down my arm. However, I could not see anything. Is this boy crying? He said that I am his mother. Do I have a son? My head began hurting. I winced and closed my eyes. I knew that voice. My son... Aiden.

"So you finally come back," A huge gray wolf said.

I staggered back and of course, fell on my butt like a retarded new-born deer. A wolf had just appeared out of thin air. What the fuck?

"Back off! What are you and why can you talk?" I said putting my hands in front of me to protect myself. Like that would stop a scary hungry wolf.

"Idiot! I am you! Your wolf, Larentia!" The wolf growled.

"Why are you growling then?"

"Because I have been trying to reach to you for so long and you just locked yourself in here!"

"I was waiting!" I yelled.

"Waiting for what?"

"I do not know." Am I going crazy? Why am I talking to a wolf?

"Come with me," the wolf turned around and walked toward the other end of the room.

"I am good here. Thanks," I said.

Her Younger Mate (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now