Chapter 4: When In Doubt, Wear Red

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I could not sleep that night, the events of the previous night still haunting me. I checked the time, 5:00 am. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. I guess Karma is real. I covered my eyes with my forearm.

'You may actually deserve it,' said Larentia.

'You are still mad at me for what happened three years ago? I thought you hated him.'

Larentia ignored me completely since I was 17 and until I became 19 and started looking for my mate because she wanted me to wait for my him or her, but I did not believe in mates at that time. I was young and stupid.

'I did not like him because he is a human, but what you did to him? That was messed up,' Larentia said.

I blocked her. I do not need a voice in my head reminding me of all my stupid decisions right now. I got up and took a shower. I guess that I will go have breakfast out and get to school early.

I did get breakfast, but I got distracted by my book "Chronicle of a Death Foretold." My eyes were glued to the book. By the time I checked the time, I had 30 minutes to get to class. At least I was not going to be late.

I arrived at school and the hallways were empty. I practiced what Alexandra taught me yesterday and took off running to my class. Thanks to my training my breathing was nice and regular when I got there.

Today's class flowed nicely. My students seemed to like the teaching method I chose. My no-homework policy may have something to do with it.

I met with Luna Marcy today in a cafe, which was also a bookstore. Nice. Marcy was already waiting for me by the time I arrived there.

"Hello, there Anna. Look at you, so formal."

I chuckled."Yeah, thank you. I actually did not have time to go get changed. I get distracted easily."

"I understand. You should try their cafe latte. I know it sounds simple but it is the best I have ever tasted," said Marcy.

"Cafe latte is it." I smiled. We got our orders and sat in a booth.

"Anna, you have no idea how glad I am you are here. There are so many things I have to tell you about your mother," she wiped off a lone tear.

"Do not be sad Marcy. I am happy to be here." I grinned and squeezed her hand. "So, how did my mom end up here?"

"Your mom was actually an orphan like you. After rogues wiped her pack she ended up living in the streets. She was a pickpocketer."

"My mom? Really?" Now that is surprising.

"Please, do not think badly of her. She knew not better at the time. So, a couple of our pack members were on a vacation in her city and she tried to steal from them. Of course, being werewolves they were no easy target, so they spotted her easily and offered her a meal. They had to bribe her to learn her story.

"This couple could not have children, so they wanted to take her with them, which her being as stubborn as she is... I mean was." She sighs. "refused. However, the couple had their heart set on adopting the little girl, so they extended their vacations there.

"They kept trying and trying to convince every day until she agreed. The father was the younger brother of the Beta so our families were really close. She was 8 at the time and I was 6. As we grew up, we became closer and closer."

"Wow. I had no idea. She must have had a rough childhood." I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Wasn't it actually similar to yours, dear?"

Her Younger Mate (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now