Chapter 60: Tea

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She sniffled and sobbed some more before talking. "He- he is my mate" She took a deep breath and looked me at the eye. "And he likes you."  

I kept my gaze fixed upon her. "Oh Mandy. I do not think he really likes me. He is just confused."

She sniffled some more. "But I heard him. I was curious so I eavesdropped your conversation. I am so dumb. I should have known no one would ever want me."

"Amanda. That is so not true. You are so precious."

She looked down at her lap. "Not even my mate wants me..."

"That is enough. You stop crying right now, young lady. Crying for men is my job, and I do not appreciate your trying to steal my business," I said in a fake severe tone.

She chuckled. "Sorry, I do not buy it. To be Alex, you have to rise your voice a little and stare down at people with a frown, like this." Her forehead wrinkled slightly and she put a hand on her hips. "No young lady, fun is not allowed in this house." 

We both laughed. I stood up and tried yo imitate an scolding Alex. "Okay, young lady, no more crying! This is what we will do: You go take that shower and I will make you a delicious chamomile tea."

She clapped excitedly. "That is what I was talking about."

"Thank you, thank you! I know I am great." I walked toward the door.

"I do not want to get to know him anymore." I heard her whisper and turned around so find a pained expression on her face. 

The smile on my face vanished. "Are you going to reject him?" I asked.

She shook her head no. "My mom was rejected and ended up killing herself from the pain. I could never do that to my mate. I just do not want to ever talk to him."

"Mandy..." I looked at her seriously.

She looked up and into my eyes and gigled. "Go get me my tea!"

I sighed and smiled at her. "On my way."


I was in the kitchen heating the water for the tea. Amanda and I love to drink freshly brewed tea, so it takes a little longer to prepare.

Some warm arms enveloped me and hugged me from behind and I smiled.

"Is that tea you are making, woman of my life?" asked Elena.

"It sure is, you, sleepyhead," I said.

"I want some warm water."

"No tea?"

"Nah. Just water," she said and let go of me.

I added some more water to the pot and turned to her and stared at her sternly. "I am heartbroken, not stupid."

She laughed. "Okay, okay, sorry. Take a look at this." She opened the front of her Cardigan and signaled her belly.

I looked at her barely noticeable belly. I swear it was nearly flat. "Am I supposed to notice something? Oh! Wait... You are fat!"

She smacked my arm. "It is a baby bump!"

"Nah. You just got fatter. You cannot trick me."

"I hate you!" She said hitting me playfully.

"That is so not fair! I cannot hit a pregnant woman."

 She smirked. "I know!"

Usually I would have been able to hear the baby's heartbeat from the start, but since Elena is a Luna, it is impossible to detect. This is a mechanism to protect Alpha pups from greedy werewolves for as long as possible.

Her Younger Mate (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now