Chapter 83: Dazzling

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Caleb left to his room to take a shower while I went to mine. His room was in the second floor while mine in the seventh floor. I ran up the stairs, not feeling like waiting for the elevator. If I got into it, I would undoubtedly meet someone I know and have to start friendly conversation. All the Alphas and Betas were still here waiting for the meeting that Caleb and Aiden had ruined. It was rescheduled for tomorrow at 2:00 PM.

My heart rate was increasing - not because of the physical activity, but because of the thoughts about my mate. Where do we even begin? There are so many things we need to talk about, but we obviously cannot talk about that in a dining room full of nosy werewolves. My foot slipped and I almost fall. I gripped the handrail and steadied myself. Gosh, no more accidents, please. I pushed my thoughts about Caleb and all that drama to the back of my mind. If I keep on worrying, I will end up dying in some stupid and ridiculous accident.

How many floors are there left? I looked at the floor number by the door. Fourth floor. Just three more floors. In moments like this, I would rather be in one of the smaller packs, where the pack houses are two or three floors. Large packs like the Mountain Oasis Pack, the Silver Fang Pack and the Blood River Pack have pack houses so large that they were more like hotels. Finally, seventh floor. I opened the door.

I dashed through the hall and got into my room. I looked around - Large sash windows in front of me, a king-sized bed to my right, a desktop with a comfortable office chair by the window, and a large sofa to my left. Everything was white with fuchsia accents. Gosh, this room is big. Yet, I like my room in the Blood River Pack better. Members of the council are required to stay in different packs every few months and we could mindlink almost every werewolf, except for rogues. It is as if we belonged to every pack but to none of them at the same time. It was this way so we were as impartial as possible.

My bags were already in the room. Anthony is so efficient. I chose some clothes: long black pants, a plain peach shirt, a navy blue fitted blazer, and the most comfortable high heels I have. I stared at the clothes on the bed, fighting the urge to put them away and wear a hoodie and leggings. No, Anna. Even if you are not working you must follow the council member's dressing code - even if it is annoying.

I walked into the bathroom and removed my clothes, starting by my scarf. As I walked by the mirror, the scar across my neck got my attention. I traced it with my fingers. So, ugly. If it hadn't been made by such a powerful wolf, it would have healed, but now I have this permanent reminder of that night. It honestly looks like part of a Halloween costume. Before leaving with Anthony I had never bothered check myself in the mirror, so I hadn't noticed how bad it looked. Ignorance is a bliss.

After taking the shower and getting dressed, I opened the bag with my choker, scarf, bandana and neckerchief collections. I chose a gold choker necklace and smiled remembering the day Anthony and Kevin gave me all these things. They are so sweet.

I looked at myself in the mirror while I brushed my hair. As my dad says: "De ahí no das para más." (You cannot do better than this). I rolled my eyes and giggled. Sweet, I know.

I left my room and took the stairs. Thankfully the dining room is in the eight floor. When I got there, Caleb was by the door already, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. His head snapped to my side and he gave me a charming smile before walking toward me. He was wearing jeans, a fitted shirt with folded long sleeves, a tie and a grey waistcoat. The wounds in his face had already healed. My breath hitched. How can someone be so dazzling?

 How can someone be so dazzling?

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He walked up to me. "Anna, you look beautiful as always. May I?" He extended his hand.

I tilted my head to the side. What is he doing now? He moved his hand and nodded with expectant eyes. I reluctantly gave him my hand.

He smiled and leaned down to place a lingering kiss on the back of my hand. My heart fluttered in my chest. I am not sure if my poor heart can deal with this.

"Let's go eat, my precious mate." He turned around, keeping my hand in his. We laced our fingers together.

A/N: I needed to fill you in on some of the things that being a member of the council entails. I will edit and publish the next chapter tomorrow. Also, we have a new cover thanks to @daniellebenolerao  I hope you all like it. I love it :D  

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