Chapter 85: Love You

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A/N: Song "stick" by Banks.


I examined Caleb's face. He was looking right back at me as if silently begging me to say that it was a lie, his whole-body tense. I scrambled for words. I had no idea of how to explain what had happened with Oliver. I don't want to mess things up. My heart was pounding hard in my chest and my hands went numb.

"I didn't... I mean, I did, but... It wasn't..." I looked at my feet. It was becoming hard to breathe.

An arm wrapped around my waist and I looked to my left. Caleb wasn't looking my way, but his touch comforted me. I leaned against him.

Aiden stepped in. "She told him from the beginning that she was not willing to love him and he kept chasing after her. She panicked when she found out about their bond, but what he did was also bad."

'Thank you.' My gaze went to Aiden and then back to Caleb. His head hung low and he was scowling.

"Bad enough for her to leave the country the next day and don't come back to the pack for over a year?" Wilder kept talking and I honestly just wanted to punch him.

Oliver is now a permanent pack doctor, so naturally, I have avoided going back home as much as possible.

Aiden nodded. "Yes. He messed up, not like the fucking idiot before him, but he did."

A low growl came from Caleb and I glared at him. "Don't growl at my son."

Caleb flinched and looked away. "I am sorry."

I gave Aiden a nasty look and he whimpered. "Aiden, don't say those things in front of Caleb."

He nodded and lowered his head. The silence was deafening and you could cut the tension in the air with a saw. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Wilder had to break the silence, just to say something even more stupid. "Even if he is not your original mate, you should give him a-"

I narrowed my eyes and growled at him. No more drama, please. "That has been enough. First, it is none of your business. Second, if I wanted your opinion I would have asked you for it."

I took Caleb's hand and pulled him toward the stairs, pushing the door open with my free hand. "Come with me. I want to explain you this before it gets blown out of proportion."

He nodded as he silently walked behind me seemingly lost in his own thoughts. We walked down the stairs and the hallway. Soon, we reached my room. I walked in tugging at Caleb's hand. Once he walked into the room, I closed the door. I guided him to the couch.

What should I say? Should I just spit out everything or wait for his questions?

Caleb beat me to it. He looked at me with sad eyes. "You have another mate?"

I closed my eyes and decided to tell him everything, almost. "Remember that I told you that I became close to my doctor? Well, that is him. From the beginning, I told him that I wasn't interested and that I didn't even want to be his friend, but he was so eager to get me back that he didn't care. For a couple of months, we spent every day together for physical therapy. I didn't even realize about, or more like I refused to acknowledge, the bond until it was too late. I joined the council and left my pack the same day I found out."

He slowly ran a hand through his hair, subtly pulling on some strands. "You said he wanted to get you back. Also, second chance mates only happen when there is real, deep love. Did you fall in love with someone else?" He looked at me with glossy eyes and the corner of his lips was curved down.

"It is Oliver. I loved him and maybe still love him a little because all the history we have and how good he has been to me. However, I could never fall in love with him again."

"Why? Isn't he your mate?" Caleb laughed bitterly.

I stood up and balled my fists. "Really? You ask why?" I snorted and crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you stupid? I could never fall in love with someone else because I am already in love with you."

He looked at me with raised eyebrows and wide-open eyes and mouth. "I am sorry, Anna. I got jealous."

And in that moment Caleb knew that he had fucked up again.

His lips were twitching at the corners as if he was fighting a smile. I glared at him, and he put his hands up and gulped. I huffed.

Larentia whimpered. 'Don't be so hard on him. It must be devastating for him to find out how close he could be of losing you. He only has you.'

Werewolves that break the bond usually don't receive second chance mates. They can be with other people, but they would be renouncing any possibility of feeling the mate bond. I slumped next to Caleb on the couch and closed my eyes.

"I am so tired of all these misunderstandings and problems. I don't want to waste my life away fighting and being angry." I straightened up and opened my eyes. I stared at Caleb with the most severe expression I could muster. "Are you really in love with me?"

He held my gaze. "I am in love with you. I adore you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Then, let's talk everything out tomorrow with fresh minds."

He furrowed his eyebrows and covered his mouth with his index finger.

'He is so cute when he does that,' Larentia said.

'You think that he is cute when he exists.'

'True.' She went to the back of my mind.

"Okay, mate. Have sweet dreams. I love you."

He kissed my cheek before walking to the door. Out of impulse, I stood up from the couch and followed him, tugging on his vest to get his attention. I don't know what can happen. I only know that he is here right now.

He turned around. "Wha-"

I wrapped my arms around him crashed my body against him, clinging to him as if my life depended on it. "My heart belongs to you. I could never love anyone else like I love you."

He hugged me back. "You are the light in my life." He kissed the top of my head.

We stayed in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's warm. After a while, we reluctantly let go of each other and said goodnight. He left the room and closed the door behind him. I threw myself on the bed with my arms open. What am I doing? I am supposed to be giving him hell. But, I just can't.

Half an hour of staring at the ceiling later, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Are you awake," asked Abigail.

I stood up and opened the door, flashing her an honest smile as she walked into the room. I really could use a friend right now.

"What is the laptop for?"

She sat on the bed and placed the half-closed laptop beside her. "It depends. Do you want to talk about it?"

I sighed and sat down facing her. "My head is a mess. Is it bad that I want to just forget all the bad things that happened and run to him?"

"Yes, it is!"

"Abigail... Your computer just talked."

Abigail turned the computer toward me. There was a video call connected. I waved at Elena, Mandy, and my mother.

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