Chapter 87: John Doe

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The constant knocking on the door woke me up. I rolled on the bed, willing myself to ignore it when Anthony mind linked me. 'Open the door Anna. This is about work.' The severity in his tone had me straightening up and leaping toward the door in a wink.

I opened the door. Anthony looked at my outfit and snickered. "Going for a run?" I looked down to my so-called pajamas. I was wearing a racerback tank top and cotton running shorts. At some point through the night the clothes I was wearing had become too uncomfortable to sleep so I changed them.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame. "Tony... I remind you that you were the one who told me that I should always be ready to fight, even in my human form."

"I am glad you finally learned to follow rules. Can I come in? This is serious."

I moved away from the door and into my room. Anthony followed me and we sat on the couch.

"What is the journal for?"

Each couple of council members always carried a journal with reports of our cases. It had a special lock that opened only with mine and Anthony's fresh blood. I squirmed at the idea. It is not terribly painful, but I would rather not having to pinch my finger first thing in the morning. I slowly stood up and backed up. Maybe if I don't make noise, I will be able to escape.

"Anna, you are thinking out loud again." He extended his hand.

Shit. I sat down again and gave him my open hand, which he took. He pinched the tip of my index finger with a silver pin. I growled at him while wincing and hissing dramatically. It didn't even hurt.

"Don't be dramatic!" He squeezed my finger on the lock and did the same process on himself.

I laughed. "I just wanted to annoy you."

"I know." He opened the journal and flipped through the pages. He stopped in the entry of the time we found a tracking spell and glanced at it, but then went to the page with the biography of my parents and my murderous uncle with fabulous fur-coat - Anthony's words that stuck with me. "You know what today's meeting is about, right?"

I nodded. "The rogue with the golden fur has been organizing rogues and attacking packs all around the country. But, all the packs have managed to defend themselves and he hasn't attacked in six months." I refuse to call him uncle, not after what we found out.

"I know, but I am worried that he is preparing for a large-scale attack. The Alphas don't know this, but it was reported that he left the country last week. We will soon have to tell them."

I glanced at the diary. Unknown name. Recognizable by his golden fur. Aliases: John Doe, Miguel Iglesias, Luis, Juan... Alpha of Rogues who killed his identical twin brother and his and his brother's mate. I winced and stopped reading. Yes, that is why he hates me and my family that much.

Anthony added: "Has multiple fake passports which indicates that he has powerful contacts," at the end of the page.

"Can we prepare the warriors without making his biography public? There is nothing I want more in the world than to see that bastard die, but I am not ready for everyone to know. If we show them the spell and his biography, they may turn against me." Everyone knows that a tracking spell requires the blood of the individual to track or a first-degree blood relative. They might not believe the whole evil twin story. I know that I wouldn't.

"I need to tell you something and you will hate it."


"Han will be in charge of the preparations and dealing with the Alphas for the first stage of the plan."

I stood up and began pacing across the room. "Han!? But he is like five hundred years old!"

Anthony raised his right hand showing his index finger. "Three hundred actually. He has more than two hundred years of experience. He is good. Trust me; He was my mentor, and you know the council is keeping your link with the rogue classified. Don't worry."

"I know he is good. But, who decided that? It is that rogue we are talking about!"

I wouldn't say it out loud, but I suspect he is attacking the packs with a purpose. Maybe, he is looking for me. The attacks began at the same time it was announced that I was alive and joining the council.



"As I was saying, we haven't taken our time off for the last three cases. That is more than five months of continuous twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week work. They are suggesting we take a break. Then, we will work alongside Han."

"Tony, we all now what continuous means, and suggesting? Or more like strongly recommending?"

Anthony laughed and nodded. "We are to represent the council in this meeting and I will go to the Head Quarters to report to Han and the rest of the council."

"Just I? Not we? You are leaving without me?"

"I actually moved some strings and... you will thank me later." He winked.

I gulped. He has that playful smirk of his that tells me that he is up to no good. "But, we are a team!"

"Trust me, you will be pretty busy to even think about your poor partner." He rubbed his hands mischievously.

What is he scheming now? "Please, tell me this has nothing to do with my mate."

"This has nothing to do with your mate."

I narrowed my eyes in a glare. He smiled sweetly. "You are lyi-"

"Just enjoy the surprise!" He stood up and threw golden and pink confetti at me. "Also, we are getting two months and a half of vacations. You are welcome."

"For how long had you been waiting to do that?"

"For too long."

I could even get mad at him. I exhaled and lowered my head. "Okay. I can imagine what you did; You don't need to tell me. Lock the door when you leave." The pull toward my happy place became unbearable and I slumped to my bed.

"No breakfast?"

"No time for breakfast... Must sleep."

"See you at lunch." He mumbled something like, "my ship is sailing and nothing will stop it."

The door closed with a soft clack and I happily dozed off.


Never trust in your alarms. Those little devils are the most sadistic traitorous beings on Earth. I was taking a shower while brushing my teeth. Lunch was going to be served in twenty minutes and my alarm never rang. Unlike breakfast, today's lunch is formal. We had assigned seats and everything. I cannot be late. I ran out of the bathroom, grabbing a towel and drying myself in the way to the closet. Thankfully, I had left some clothes here from last time. I put on a little black dress with a white blazer and the first pair of shoes that I saw. I combed my hair and checked myself in the mirror. This will do. I still have five minutes to get there.

 I still have five minutes to get there

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A/N: Sorry I have been busy. College began again, and there is some hoe flirting with my boyfriend. Next chapter will be longer.

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