Chapter 67: Healed

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A/N: Song "You Don't Know" by Katelyn Tarver. Highly recommended. 

After Alex had been informed of Anna's actions, he and Aiden had immediately took off to the North border, leaving the former Alpha and Luna to lead the warriors in the South border. However, when they got there, they found Wilder surrounded by three rogues.

The other warriors were unconscious but most of them were still alive. After the remaining rogues were dead, Alex and Aiden ran following Anna's scent. Once they got to her location, Alex tackled the rogue that was on top of her, but he pushed Alex off him and ran away. Alex wanted to chase him, but his sister was the priority and he knew that the rogue was no regular werewolf.

Alex sprinted carrying his sister on his back and somehow managing to keep her in place; She had already shifted to her human form and her heart beat was barely audible, meaning that her death was close. Pack doctors and nurses were already in the Alpha House and the infirmary was ready for her.

It took him eight minutes to get home. The doctors rushed her into the room and began treating her wounds and attempting to stop the hemorrhage. Alex and the rest of their family were waiting outside of the room, even Oliver was there. Everyone was sobbing quietly and hugging each other, except for Alex and Aiden. Their eyes were fixed on the wall. Both of them blamed themselves for all of the circumstances that led to that moment.

Hours passed and the first rays of sun were already making an appearance when Dr. Acosta, the head of the pack doctors, came out of the infirmary. The family noticed the doctor's downcast expression and braced themselves for the worst.

Dr. Acosta approached Alex began talking. "Alpha Alex, your sister is alive."

For a moment, the room was silent. The whole family breathed a sigh of relief before erupting into a cheer. The medical team left the room with their heads low.

"Can we see her?" Alex asked.

"First, you should all be aware of her condition. Anna lost forty five percent of her blood. If she was a human, she would have died on the spot. She went into cardiac arrest twice and had to be resuscitated. She received blood transfusions from the blood she had saved in the pack's blood bank. Her body is healing now, albeit very slowly. We need to watch her progress during the next twenty-four hours. I can only allow two people in the room each time and for five minutes."

After everyone had visited Anna, a nurse and the doctor came into the room and stayed by her side. She was to be monitored 24/7.

As if mirroring the mood of the pack, the weather that day was gloomy and rainy. Alpha Alex ordered the closing of the borders while the damage was assessed. The council was notified of the events that had transpired the previous night; They were sending doctors while keeping everything confidential. Alex also assigned pack members to answer the phones and say that there were no problems, so that no opportunists would take the chance to attack them while they are weak.

Finding friends while you are on top of the world is easy, but finding enemies when you are down on the floor is easier, Alex thought.

The pack hospital was full but the injured warriors were responding to treatment. There were no deaths among the ones in the South. However, some warriors had died in the North. It was not a huge loss of lives, but still brought pain and sorrow to the whole pack. The survivors presented injuries of consideration and most of them had woken up yet.

The members who had not gone to battle were given different tasks around the pack. The mates of the fallen warriors were given counseling and company. The bodies of the rogues were buried in mass graves on the outskirts of the territory. The water washed away the blood and no buildings were affected, but the smelt of death lingered in the air.

Alex and the rest of the Alpha family were doing everything they could to help around the pack and comfort everyone. However, the only thing in Alex's mind was his sister's life; By the look on his family member's faces he guessed that he was not the only one.

The whole pack had heard about Anna's brave actions: how she had put her life in the line to protect the North limits and the warriors. Everyone was worried about her condition, but besides family, only doctors and nurses were allowed in the Alpha House.

It was 8:37 PM when Alex and his family were called to the infirmary. Dr. Acosta met them outside of the room.

"Anna's condition has improved," he said but his expression remained as gloomy as it was in the morning.

"When is she going to wake up?" asked Aiden excitedly, probably oblivious of the facial expression on the doctor's face.

The doctor shook his head and looked at the ground. "That is the problem," he said.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, slightly raising his voice.

The doctor flinched and continued talking. "We called you because her body is healed. She is incredibly strong. However, she is in a coma. It is as if her wolf is fighting to keep them both alive while her human side has already given up. This is probably because of her wolf's maternal instinct toward Aiden. There is nothing else we can do."

The room was filled with gasps and words of indignation against the doctors. However, the noise soon died out.

"Can we see her now?" asked Elena with a shaky voice as she clutched to Alex's arm.

The doctor nodded. "There is no reason not to. One of the nurses will stay by her side in case her condition changes, but she is out of risk now."

Dr. Acosta and the rest of the medical team left the Alpha house. They were as shaken by the situation as the of the pack.

"I cannot believe how someone so powerful could give up in life like that," a young nurse said.

The medical team shushed her and Dr. Acosta warned her about revealing information about the Alpha's sister situation.

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