Chapter 22: Talk

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Caleb had had a bad day. He knew that as soon as he went home his mother would catch on and question him, so he was seated at the front porch of the pack house putting off going to his house as much as he could. For some reason that he could not understand the words she had said earlier bothered him to no end. 

His day brightened a little when he saw her car. He walked down to her, but before he could finish greeting her, the smell of another male werewolf hit his nose. It was not any other werewolf; It was another Alpha, the one who had kissed her in the park that one time. His smell enveloped her completely.

He commanded her to get out of the car. Anna considered driving away to avoid the drama. However, she opted for doing just the opposite. She remembered all the times she had found him with other girls and concluded there was no reason for her to feel guilty. She stepped out of her car. 

"Need something from me?" She asked smirking. 

Caleb's hands balled into fists but he took deep breaths to calm himself down enough to not snap at her. "I did not tell you before because it was none of my business but now that I know that you are my mate you need to know; That guy is dangerous. He will only hurt you." 

She chuckled. "Aren't you talking about yourself? You have hurt me far more than him." 

Caleb sighed. "But it is different." 

Anna crossed her arms. "How are you different from him?"

 Caleb hands opened and closed repetitively and his nostrils flared up. "Everything I did and said was before knowing my mate was right in front of me!" 

Anna rolled her eyes. "That only shows how little you care about me as a person. And you said you would reject me on the spot if I was your mate!"

Caleb groaned. "I was not..." He stopped talking and shook his head. "Come with me to the woods" 

She took a step backwards. "I have nothing to talk about with you." 

Caleb held his breath as he approached her. "Samuel just mindlinked me. People can hear this conversation, which is fine by me, but I thought you would rather talk somewhere else." 

She opened her car's door. "Or I can just leave." He closed the door and grabbed her wrist. 

She flinched but instead of the forceful grip she expected, his fingers barely grazed her skin making her relax and almost forget all the problems. 

He raised her chin and looked deep into my eyes. "You have been crying. Just talk to me. Give me an opportunity to be a friend at least." 

She stared at his face and wondered how someone so beautiful and innocent looking could be so bad for her. 

He let go of her chin and covered his mouth. "Stop looking at me like that or I will have to overstep your boundaries." 

Anna looked down. He caressed the top of her head and ran a hand through her hair. She closed her eyes. 

"Come with me?" he said. 

She nodded and he began walking. She kept three feet of distance as they silently walked into the woods. 

When they arrived to a clearing, Caleb stopped in his tracks and talked without turning to look at her. "Are you with him now? Is that why you keep rejecting my advances?" 

Anna sighed and stood next to him. "We were never official or anything. And today I found out how he really is. But he did..." She hesitated. 

Caleb turned and looked her in the eye. "He did what?" 

Her Younger Mate (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now