Chapter 75: Traitors

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Third week of December,

Samuel was limping right behind me as I stomped my way into the Alpha's office, blood still dripping from my injured arm. We were both completely covered in mud and blood and sporting some gruesome wounds.

"Are you okay?" asked Samuel

"Never been better," I said between gritted teeth. I sat by the desk wincing as the claw wound across my back brushed the chair.

I checked the security tapes. We had just come back to the Alpha house from fighting off a large group of rogues that had ambushed us while we were training. They had advanced too far into my territory without being detected. They weren't even that strong. So, either my pack is crappier than I thought or there is traitorous scum among the pack members.

Luckily, a month ago, my father had finally realized that we are not in the stone age anymore and agreed to install hidden cameras around the pack borders. Just a select group of pack members were aware of this.

I paused the recording and signaled the three pack warriors who had let the rogues in. "I want those guys collared and sent into the dungeons, without food or water."

"Shouldn't we question them first?" asked Samuel.

"I will personally question them and execute them in a week. Don't tell them why they are being detained. Let's see if there are more moles in the pack."

Samuel mind linked the chief of the warriors while I leaned to the front resting my elbows on my knees and rubbing my temples with one hand. My father had left yesterday for business and let me and Samuel in charge of the pack for two weeks. He had said that since we are both nineteen already, this would be a great opportunity to become used to our future positions in the pack. It was just the second day and there had already been an assassination attempt.

I chuckled and shook my head sending some droplets of blood and sweat across the room. I love it when things flow smoothly. At least we got some entertainment, so it is not all bad. I had been in a sour mood lately - more like for the whole year; I needed to release some steam.

"That grin on your face is kind of scary," Samuel said.

I had not noticed that I was smiling. I looked him in the eye. He has been acting all worried about me since about a week ago. Probably because my birthday was three days ago. I did not leave my room that day.

"Just trying to stay positive," I said.

He gave me a shaky nod. "The three guys had already been apprehended and they are being taken to the dungeons as we speak. What are we going to do with their families?"

"Kick them out of the pack."

"Caleb..." He crossed his arms trying to look serious but hissed when he accidentally touched one of the scraps in his left arm.

"What? I am being merciful here. I should kill their families in front of the traitors. Oh... wait."

"What?" he asked as he supported himself at the edge of the desk.

That cut on his leg is not looking good.

"Don't kick them out just yet. Let's find out who the leader is and then we will kill his family in front of him before executing him."

"Your father would not approve of that."

I stood up and walked toward the door. "Good thing we are in charge until he comes back. Now stop arguing and let's go to the pack hospital. Those wounds look painful." I pointed at the nasty gash in his right leg and then at the long cut in his left arm.

He draped his right arm across my shoulders. "Aw, you care about me. I knew there was still some love left in you."

I rolled my eyes at his words. However, as he grunted and supported against me I realized that he was probably in too much pain to walk on his own. We leaned against each other went on our way to the hospital.


Seven days and four more traitors later, Samuel and I were in the dungeons taking care of the leader of the moles. All the other ones were dead already, including several high ranked warriors, who surprisingly were following the supposed omega who started all this.

I stared at the guy in front of me. Burns from the silver chains covered his body and blood was gushing out from the several cuts across his body. His ribs were showing and he was basically a living skeleton, but not for too long. His head had been hanging low and he had been sobbing since I killed his mate and three kids in front of him a few minutes ago. I should kill him now out of mercy, but I won't.

I motioned the highest ranked warrior to come. "You, collar him and walk him across the pack for everyone to see."

He nodded and shakily put the collar around the traitor's neck.

"The rest of you, flip a coin or something and decide who is going to dump the bodies outside of the territory. I want them across the border from which the rogues got into my pack's land."

After making sure the parade of the traitors was a success, Samuel and I were at the Alpha House filling paperwork. Losing warriors was never good. I remembered something that Anna once told me.

"Samuel, beginning from tomorrow, the omegas will be tested and trained according to their abilities," I said.

"Sounds good."

I sighed and reclined my head back against the chair, eyes closed, trying to relax. The words left my mouth in the form of a whisper before my mind could catch up. "I miss Anna."

"Want to have a sleepover and paint our nails while we talk about that?" asked Samuel grinning like a retarded-idiot.

I straightened up and squinted my eyes into a tight glare. "Fuck off, Samuel."

A/N: The only thing more annoying that not being able to read new chapters in wattpad is not being able to post new chapters in wattpad.

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