Chapter 49: Cruel

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Day 2, Tuesday

Last night I could not sleep at all. Alexander's heavy arm around my waist did not even let me move an inch. When he finally woke up, he kissed my cheek and got out of the bed. I did not even bothered pretend that I was sleeping. I just stayed quiet.

I heard the shower running and thanked whoever has been keeping Alexander from forcing me to do anything more intimate with him. Just the idea give me chills down my spine, and not the good kind. Last night he just slept and I hope he leaves me alone tonight. Otherwise, I will not get a minute of rest.

"I will let you sleep some more, love. But, when you wake up, we are going out," he said before leaving the room.

When I heard the door close, I rolled on my back and closed my eyes. I hate putting myself in an even more disadvantageous position but I need rest to help my body heal and to keep my mind sharp. I fell into deep slumber.

A soft knock on the door woke me up. I saw Alexander come in with a tray full of food. There were waffles, bacon, steak, bread, fruits, and milk. I sat on the bed and he placed the tray in front of me. I stared at the food and then back at him. 

He shrugged his shoulders. "I know it is a lot, but I was not sure what you wanted to eat; You need food to get better."

And whose fault it is that 'I need to get better'?  I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily. He is not wrong. I have enough handicap as it is.

I wolfed down the food. It was actually tasty. "You have gotten good cooks here," I said.

"Thank you. I put all my love in cooking that for you," he said as he ruffled my hair.

Great. Now, I complimented the asshole. I should have known better.

"Please, stay still of a moment, love," he said.

I closed my eyes, knowing that resistance would be futile. The painful pinch on my arm followed by the burning sensation I still cannot get used to, let me know how defenseless I am against him.

"Abigail sent this for you." He pulled a a plastic transparent bag with some herbs from his pocket. Weed? Oh no. It is just that analgesic-thingy. So disappointed right now.

"Get ready. We are going to the movies, princess," he said. 

"Do we have too?" I looked at him pleadingly.

His expression turned into a ugly scowl. "We are going to the movies."

I gulped and nodded silently.


After taking a shower, I inspected my bruises on the bathroom mirror. The ones around my neck were blue with some greenish parts and the ones on my sides were mostly purple with some red tender parts.

I threw on the first clothes that I found. It was some black jeans and a green sweater. I has come to my attention that all of the clothes he gave me smell like him and most of them are green. I am not sure is this is some kind of twisted joke.

When he saw me, he frowned and soon a girl came into the room with a scarf in her hands. He threw it at me and told me to put it around my neck. What? Doesn't he want the world to see his handiwork?  I put it on anyway.

He took my hand and we walked out of the Alpha's house. I noticed at least six warriors loading silenced guns. One of them hissed as he touched a bullet with his bare hands.

"What do you need so many warriors for? And why the guns with silver bullets?"

Alexander hummed. "They are going with us just in case something not very nice happens. It is to protect us." He smiled darkly.

"But that-" He kissed me. Ugh, I am feeling nauseous again. Would he get mad if I throw up in his mouth?

When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine. "Talk if you want another kiss."

I opened the car's door without tearing my angry glare apart from him, and got into the car. Alexander sat on the backseat with me, and two of his pack members sat on the driver's and copilot's seats.

 I spent the whole ride with my arms crossed on my chest and looking at the window. Alexander was busy playing with my hair. For what I assume is the first time in his life, he kept his mouth shut.

The car was parked less than one block away from the movie theater. Alexander got out of the car and walked to my side to hold the door open for me. I mentally rolled my eyes. 

He took my hand and pulled me into a side hug. He refused to remove his hand from around my waist. I squirmed and tried to get him off me.

"My sweet Luna, do not think that just because you cannot see him, there is not a a guard by your cute pup's side right now."

My whole body tensed up at his words and my mouth went dry. I let my arms fall to my sides. Even after what Aiden said yesterday, I cannot be selfish and let them hurt him. 

We kept walking to the movie theater. I halted when my eyes found the person I have been wishing to see the most. My lovely, perfect, wonderful mate was just in front of the building. Samuel, Matt and fucking Chris were with him. Chris was looking down at his cellphone but almost instantly looked up and locked eyes with me. He smirked.

I did not care about Chris though. I shifted my gaze to my mate. He was resting against the wall looking down, while Matt and Samuel talked to him. I tried to take a step toward him, but Alexander's arm around my waist kept me in place.

"Anna..." Alexander said softly.

"I am sorry, but I can be selfish if it is for him." I pushed his hand off me shoved him away. I took a step toward Caleb.

I felt Alexander behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "That looks just like something not very nice. Look up at your right." 

I did as he said and noticed two of his warriors pointing their guns at my mate. "No..." I whispered.

Chris told Caleb something and he looked up. His sad expression brightened, and a cheerful grin spread across his face. Yet, even from this distance, I could notice the tiredness in his eyes. They were red and puffy, with dark circles under them.

"Kiss me," Alexander said.

I did not acknowledge him and kept looking into my love's eyes. "I love you." I muttered. He winked at me.

Alexander kissed my temple and gave me a hug from behind. "Maybe after he is gone, you will find it in you to accept my love," he whispered.

I turned around and glared at him. "You fucking bastard."

Alexander gave me a fiendish smile. "So cute, beautiful. I am not bluffing, love." He leaned down to me. "So what will your choice be? The clock is ticking."

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