Chapter 65: Omen

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December 31,

Finally, I was not feeling as shitty as the last two weeks and a half. The gnawing tortuous pain that roamed all inside my body was replaced by a dull pain in my chest. I was almost empty. For a while, I had felt not only my pain but also hers. It had been excruciating, but I missed it now – not the pain, but feeling her emotions and sensations. The connection we had was slowly fading away, and my wolf had not talked to me since the last time I saw her.

The doctor saw me once more before discharging me. My mom came to pick me up. She brought me clean clothes. I noticed my phone was not among the things she brought. I needed to call Anna as soon as possible.

"Mom. Could I borrow your phone, please?" I asked as we walked to the car.

"Phone? I did not bring it with me. Use the mind link."

As expected she was not carrying on her phone. Most members of this pack do not even own a phone. Only teenagers and young adults do. I only began using mine after I had that argument with Anna on our first date. Oh, our first date. I wish I could go back to those days; Except the part where I fucked up. I would not do that again.

"Where are we going?" I asked noticing that we were driving in the opposite direction to our house.

"We are getting lunch and then we are going to Chris' trial. Your father and the elders of the pack will issue the verdict today. They are just waiting for your testimony."

"Couldn't we just throw him into a cell and forget about him," I asked.

"He needs to be used as an example for other people considering turning against you. We want to get this over with as fast as possible," my mother said.

"There are more pack members who would turn against me?" I asked surprised

I knew many girls in the pack are mad at me. They always get over it once they find their mates, though. I considered that so far, I had been doing a good job as future Alpha. I always treated everyone with respect and stood up for the weaker members.

Mom sighed. "Having your own Third in Command turning against you is a sign of weakness in front of your pack and other packs. The fact that you have spent so much time in the hospital does not help either. The rumors about how he beat you are already extending through the pack."

We stopped by some dinner and ate lunch. Besides the situation with Chris, I was also in a bad position with other packs. My mother explained to me that after I refused to make an appearance at my birthday party, she and dad had notified the attendants that they could stay anyway. However, many Alphas and other guests from different packs found it insulting that I was not there.

I had spent the week following that day locked in my room or the gaming room and refusing to talk to anyone but Samuel, Matt and Chris; Except for the day Chris insisted we went to the city to look for her, and then, to the movies, so I could calm down after we could not find her.


After eating, we went to the pack court. As soon as we got out of the car an old looking woman approached us. Her clothes were dirty, her hair was disheveled and her eyes bloodshot. I recognized her as Chris' mother.

She had not left her house since the death of her mate and Chris had moved to the pack house because it was nearly impossible to deal with her. She went mad. Recently, Chris had begun spending more time at his own house with the excuse of taking care of his old mother.

"Let him go! Give me my pup!" she yelled clinging at my clothes.

My mother growled and pushed her away. "Your pup tried to kill my pup!"

Her Younger Mate (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now