Chapter 47: Savior?

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A/N: Again. Language warning. If this continues I should change the book rating to mature.

After the party, Alexander seemed to be in a great mood. He was kissing the top my head and his arm never unwrapped from my waist as he let me to his room. 'You did perfect,' 'I love you,' he kept whispering in my ear. 

As soon as we entered the room he began stripping down. I looked at him with a stoically, unwilling to act excited or embarrassed. To be honest, the cocksucker is damn fine. I hate him. When he was about to pull his boxer down, I felt my eyebrows shot up and words left my mouth before I could process the whole situation.

"Stop! Get yourself a pajama! Gosh, you freaking pervert!"

My hands went straight to cover my mouth as I realized of what I had done. I am not sure how much damage my body can receive in this state. I should be minding my words.

 To my surprise Alexander laughed and soon he was putting on some shorts. "I know for a fact that you are not a prude but I will go easy on you." He walked up to me, kissed me on the forehead and offered me an oversized t-shirt, which surely belonged to him. "You can use the bathroom. The pink toothbrush is yours."

Anything is better than this uncomfortable dress. I locked myself in the bathroom and put the shirt on. It reached my mid-tight. I hesitated to wear this in front of him, but I was sure that I could be wearing a burka and the idiot would still feel the need of sexually assault me. 

I removed the choker from around my neck and brushed my hair back with my hands making sure the damage made by him was evident. I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I walked out of the bathroom and as soon as his eyes found the bruises around my neck the smile on his face faded away, he gasped and looked downcast. Don't act surprised. That is what happens when you almost snap someone's neck.

"I am sorry," he whispered. 

I walked to the bottom of the bed and lied down on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

"What are you doing, love?" he asked, standing beside me.

"Not sleeping in the same bed as you." I did not spare him a glance.

"Anna..." His husky voice gave me the chills.

I sat up but refused to stand up from the floor. "Beat me up and knock me out, so you can pick me up and lay me by your side. That is how you like it, don't you?" I yelled, tears rolling down my cheeks. He needs to see the damage he is doing.

"Love, Alpha Wallace is visiting your mate tomorrow and soon he will receive the news that we are together. I am the only one who would love you after you leaving me for someone else." He snickered.

He sure knows how to bring the worst of me out. He completely ignored my comment, and instead. tried to bring me down by reminding me how he is fucking up my life. "Excuse you?" I said standing up. "Whose fault do you think that is?"

He took a step back and and spoke almost too fast. "I apologize. What I meant is that once he hears that you are with me, he will stop fighting for your love. He said so himself once."

"He will kn- wait... Wait... Fucking wait! How do you know he said that?" I took another step toward him and narrowed my eyes at him. He took yet another step back and averted his gaze. Freaking Chris is in this too? I am killing him. I am fucking killing him.

He mumbled some unintelligible words and looked at me. Then, he smiled broadly and spoke with apparent newfound confidence."Did I say something? I am sorry. Come to bed to chat with me for a while, and I will let you sleep all by yourself tonight."

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