Chapter 82: Soulmate

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A/N: "You are the reason," by Calum Scott. This is so perfect for this chapter! I recommend you listen to it while you read this.


"Aiden, you can leave now."

His footsteps were swift on the stairs and the basement's door opened and closed in less than forty-five seconds.

I stomped my foot in front of Caleb. "Stand up!"

He stood up, his expression still odd —full of remorse and worry at the same time. "Anna, forgive me." His voice was low and soft but also masculine and deeper than before.

I wanted to forgive him, but the rage was still alive in here. I need to get rid of these negative feelings before trying anything. There would be no point in saying that I forgive him while still resenting him.

I balled my hands in fists and took a step back. Bam! I punched him in the right side of his face, in the jaw, putting my body weight in the hit.

He grunted and staggered to his left almost falling to the ground. His hand went to his red cheek. He hissed and spat some blood. Yet, when he looked back at me I didn't find the slightest glint of anger in his face. On the contrary, he looked at me as if I was the only girl in the world, his eyes still silently pleading for forgiveness.

"That is for rejecting me and almost killing me with the pain!" I yelled.

His eyes were fixed in mine as he took a step toward me with his arms open. "I love you more than my own life."

I struck his left cheek with my open hand, hard. The slap thundered through the room as his head snapped to the right as far as his neck allowed.

"That was for not being there when I needed you!" I growled.

The pain soon extended from my palm to my fingertips. I looked at my palm, which was as red as the mark on his face.

He looked at my hand and immediately took it in his. "Are you okay my queen?" His words laced with care and love.

I pulled my hand away and put some distance between us. "Worry about yourself, you idiot."

He must be in so much more pain right now, but I don't feel it. I can't feel his pain or anything else because he broke our bond. The small thread connecting us is nothing like it was once. Why did this stupid mate of mine took this from us?

"I am sorry. Please, accept me again." He lowered his head and took another step toward me.

He was right in front of me. Bam. Bam. Bam. The outer side of my fists pounded against his chest, but not nearly as hard to hurt him. I was doing in more out of frustration. "Why don't you ever come when I need you?" I slammed my fists against his chest once again keeping eye contact the whole time. "Why does somebody else always have to save me?"

He grimaced and his eyes watered. He visibly swallowed and blinked repetitively – still, some tears poured from his eyes. My hands moved to his face again, but this time, instead of hitting him, I wiped off his tears and caressed his cheeks with my thumbs. A soft grumble came from his chest and he closed his eyes leaning into my touch with a small smile on his face.

He opened his eyes and his hands brushed my cheeks. I was crying? I hadn't noticed. I sniffled. "Why isn't it ever you?" My voice cracked.

"Because I am a shitty mate." He bit his trembling lower lip, a sad frown on his face. "But, I want to be good for you from now on. I know you have probably lost count by now, but please give me another shot."

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