Chapter 41: Treasure

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A/N: Two chapters ago, Caleb had said that there were three weeks left for his birthday. It is actually two weeks.I already fixed the mistake. Dates, mathematical operations and numbers in general are my sworn enemies.


The first day of Thanksgiving break has finally arrived. I have been staying in the packhouse since Monday. Yesterday, after work,  I spent the rest of the day with my brother and my best friend. They went back to our pack after dinner. 

I intended to sleep in today, but my internal clock betrayed me. I woke up at 7:00 AM, so I lied on my bed contemplating my future. The days are passing by so fast. This coming weekend is the last one before Caleb's birthday. I cannot wait to be completely mated with him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Someone tapped on my door lightly and I hurried to open it. I smiled at my cute mate, who was holding a flower in his hands. I checked the hallways for any other pack member and after confirmed that the coast was clear, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my room. I closed the door behind him. He gasped at my sudden action, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Thankfully, as I rarely spend time here, this room is pretty organized. 

"Red tulips represent true love, which is just what I feel for you. I am in love with you." He gave me the flower and I gazed at it, admiring the lengths he goes through to prove that he loves me. I am so lucky.

I carefully placed the flower on the nightstand and turned to Caleb. I hugged him, burying my face against his chest and taking in his relaxing flowery scent. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as well and ran his hands through my hair. We stayed like that for a while. 

Yesterday we barely saw each other besides the time in class. When we both pulled back, I quickly excused myself and grabbed a loose white top and black shorts. I absolutely will not let him smell my morning breath. 

After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I checked myself in the mirror. Even though I was not as well groomed and dressed up, as usual, I did not look half bad.

As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, Caleb let out a low whistle. He was sitting on my bed looking at me with a loving expression. "Gorgeous as always," he said. A broad grin spread across my face. He always makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. He stood up and walked toward the door. 

I grabbed his hand to stop him. "Wait, I need to do something first." 

He gave me a small smile. "Sure." 

I put my hands on his hips and lead him to my bed. I pushed him softly and he sat down at the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.

I put a knee on the bed at each side of his thighs and hugged him, resting my chin on one of his shoulders. "I needed to feel your warmth." 

My mate put his hands on my lower back and pulled me even closer to him. He sniffed my hair. "Would you do me the happiest man in the whole world and spend these days with me?" 

I pulled away and stared into his eyes. He had a severe expression on his face. "What do you mean?"

"Only the two of us will be staying on this floor. I want to be with you the whole time these days, every possible minute of the day."

"Caleb, we should not-"

"Anna, I am going to keep my promise. Nothing will happen yet. I just want my mate to be by my side."

"And I want to be by my little Alpha's side."

He gave me a peck on a cheek. "Let's go get breakfast, beautiful."

We went to the diner where I have breakfast almost every day. As usual, Caleb talked and talked while I listened and nodded. He definitely does not have problems opening up to me. I wish I could be more like him. 

"What do you want to do today?" he asked me as I pulled up into the packhouse's parking lot. 

"Let's go back to my room." Truthfully, my insomnia has been at its peak the past two weeks. I feel like I have not had a normal night of sleep in ages. I am about to pass out from tiredness. "I need you," I said.

He gave me an amused look and I could already guess what he was thinking. We held hands as we walked to my room. The packhouse was practically empty. Caleb mentioned that most unmated pack members spend these days with their families.

"What can I help you with?" he asked once we were in my room, not without flashing me a smug smile.

"I want to lie down with you. I am tired because I have not been sleeping well these days."

"That makes us two." He gave me a small cute smile.

I let myself fall on my bed dramatically. Then, crawled to one side. "Want to join me?" I asked him.

He lied down next to me. I rested my cheek on his chest and placed one hand on his body. He played with my hair and kissed the top of my head. "Hermosa, hermosa, Anna. Te amo," he said. His accent made him sound even more adorable.

I looked up at his face to see his toothy grin. His eyes were shining with mischief. I laughed. "I love you too. Since when do you speak Spanish?"  

"I would learn every single language my mate speaks. I want to always be able to understand you." He looked at me earnestly. 

I ran one hand from his forehead to his shoulders, lightly grazing his soft skin with the tips of my fingers. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. 

"Caleb, do you really think I am good to you?" I asked.

He looked at me as if I had grown a second head. "Why would you ask that?" His voice sounded severe. I could not tell if my question had annoyed him or hurt him.

"It is just that you do so much to show me that you love me, while I don't do nearly enough. Any girl would be lucky to receive your love."

"You don't understand do you?" he asked snickering in a rather frustrated way.

I spoke quietly. "What?"

"The reason why you caught my attention since I met you, why I need to prove you that I am in love with you, and why I want to spend the rest of my life with you is because of who you are. I am drawn to you and every little detail about you. What I want the most in the world is for you to be happy."

I sat up next to him with my legs crossed. I looked into his crystal blue eyes. "I know it seems like I am just a moody girl who has her life figured out. But, I am actually a moody girl who can barely keep it together."

Caleb was biting his lower lip trying to stifle a laugh. 

I rolled my eyes. "I get frustrated at myself at times and most of my decisions seem like the wrong ones." I let out a heavy sight. "When I am with you, though, it feels as if everything in my life just falls into place. I will never regret the path that led me to you. Loving you is the reason I am in this world. I cannot... I don't want to imagine living the rest of my life without you in it. I would probably die," I chuckled lightly but he looked serious. I looked down to avoid his gaze.

"Do not say things like that, Anna. You are the strongest person I know." He pushed himself up on one arm and grabbed my chin, lifting my head to look into my eyes. "And I will be around for a long while, so don't you dare die on me," he said without even blinking.

I giggled and tapped his shoulder. "I would never leave you like that. You are my treasure."

Both of us lied down again. "Am I?" he asked, smiling.

"The greatest treasure in the world," I whispered.

We cuddled for a while and soon we both fell into slumber.

A/N: The clock is ticking :( 

BTW: Pay attention to what is happening and has happened. Otherwise, the coming chapters will be very confusing. Everything they have said so far will explain their future choices.

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