Chapter 73: Promise

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If anyone knew that I would give up my whole life to be with you again... Because you're the woman, the spitfire.

You're the woman; You're the woman, the spitfire when in my bed we shake.

You're the woman; You're the woman who goes crazy when I kiss her navel.

You're the woman; You're the woman, the spitfire that in my bed lets her hair loose.



Two months later, September 17

I was sitting on the bed in the infirmary, attempting to write my name on a small white board. My coordination and balance were near to non-existing since I woke up. At least, I was not connected to the ICU anymore. The first month had passed in a blur. I did not remember what happened during that time. It was kind of scary to think that I had lost eight months of my life. I had spent the second month relearning how to speak.

Dr. Acosta walked into the room with her signature kind smile. Her long brown hair was styled in a perfect bun and her clothes were impeccable as always. I remembered when father brought me to the pack for the first time. She was already the head of the pack doctors and as nice and bubbly as she is now.

"Good morning, Anna. How are you today?" Dr. Acosta asked as she checked my blood pressure and some other things.

I decided to impress her. "I am excellent. Thank you. Quite a lovely morning we are having today. What about you?"

She stared at me wide-eyed for a moment and then got out of her stupor and chuckled softly. "Quite eloquent. Good job Anna!"

"Thank you!" I beamed at her.

It had taken so much work to be able to speak clearly again. I had no idea that waking up from a comma would be like this. I felt like a little kid. She had been coming to take care of me and help with my recovery every day for the last month. The rest of my family had been to visit every day, but they drain me. They all have so many things to say, that I always get confused and tired after ten minutes of talking to them.

"Anna. I am not good at saying these things, so I will be quick. I will not be able to stay the whole day with you as I have been doing these two months anymore. I am needed in the pack hospital." She gave me a sad sympathetic smile.

I nodded and looked at my lap. "Then, who is going to help me?" I whispered.

"Actually, there is someone who basically begged me to prepare him for this. He should be here by now. You actually know each other quite well and he is an extremely capable doctor." She winked at me.

The door of the infirmary slid open and my head snapped toward the door. The white board and the marker fell from my hands.

"Sorry for being late." He walked up to me and picked up the white board and marker from the floor and gave them to me while flashing me his one-million-dollar smile. "How are you feeling today Ms. Amores?" he asked.

Oh, shit. Freaking Oliver Blades in his stupidly sexy doctor attire got my knees weak. Just kidding, I am still on the bed. He looks too good, though. He had shaved his beard and cut his hair. I stared at him shamelessly. He did that on purpose, I know it. Ugh, annoying hot doctor guy. It was as if time had not passed. His eyes were shining mischievously and he smirked.

"Ms. Amores. Is everything okay?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Yes. I mean no. You are a human doctor. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"The day after the incident he came and knelt in front of me begging me to train him to take care of you when you wake up," Dr. Acosta said as she crossed her arms and gave Oliver a knowing look.

He laughed nervously and looked away.

Dr. Acosta clapped her hands together. "Well. I have work to do. I will leave you guys at it." She left the room mumbling something about true love and ships.

The room remained silent after she left. I was looking at a fixed point at the other side of the room, my head turned away from him. However, I could still feel his gaze on me. Saying that the situation was awkward would be an understatement. Why would he ask to be my doctor? And why would they allow him?

"Anna. I saw you that day when you almost died. You have no idea how powerless I felt when they told me that I could not help you. I was okay with you loving someone else as long as you were alive and healthy. But, feeling that you could just die so young and not being able to do anything was killing me."

I turned to look at him. I wanted to be mad, but I melted when my eyes met his worried soft hazel eyes.

"Still. You will only make me confused. I want to get better for him, you know? As soon as my legs begin working again, I will run to him," I said.

He closed his eyes and sighed, but then opened them and smiled. However, I knew that smile of his. It was the smile he always used to hide that he was upset. Before, I would hug him and he would break out in tears. However, now I stayed still. Just looking at how he struggled to seem unaffected. It made my heart ache for him.

"We will see," he said. "Even if you do, I will be happy for you. I just want you to be happy."

It seems like I cannot win with him. "So, you begged to take care of me? Quite a boring life you must have," I said teasingly.

"Well... I would not say beg. I do have a faint memory of being on my knees again, though," he said without meeting my eyes.

I snickered. "So, what are we doing today?"

He immediately turned serious and checked the notes Dr. Acosta had left on the table.

"Well. It seems like you have some coordination problems. We will start doing some exercises to improve that. Then, we will work on your balance until you can stand straight. From there, we will go all the way until you are able to run again. It might take a couple of months but we will make it," he said giving me a genuine broad smile.

I was getting excited at the idea of running and training again, but I could not accept his help. We would only end up hurting each other.

"Oliver, Thank you but I-"

"Anna, do you have any close friend among the other pack doctors besides Dr. Acosta?" he asked with a severe expression on his face.

I did know them all, but I was not particularly close to any of them. They spent too much time mad at me for supposedly overtraining the pack warriors, to become my friends. I shook my head slowly.

"Well. Would you rather spend every day with someone you barely know or with the person whom you know better than anyone else?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Of course that with the person I barely kn-"

"Anna... Stop acting like a kid." He flicked my forehead and narrowed his eyes looking annoyed.

"Okay. But, we will have a professional relationship. We are not friends anymore."

He looked a little hurt but quickly put a bright smile on. "Promise. Now, shall we begin?"

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