Chapter 79: Goodbye. Part 2

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After hearing the whole story, Anthony had concluded that he would rather see me with Caleb, but that I shouldn't have run away from Oliver like that, or in his words "I ship you and Caleb, but you have been kind of an asshole to Oliver. Go apologize or something."

So, here I was, standing in front of Oliver's apartment with a lump in my throat, a strong feeling of déjà vu, and a former Alpha in his car giving me thumbs up. I sighed and waved at Anthony flashing him a nervous smile. He had insisted on waiting for me in case "I fuck up again." I am not sure if he is too nice or too nosy.

Finally, after waiting for like eight minutes, the door opened, revealing a shirtless Oliver.

"Oh, Anna. I thought you had left," he said looking away and rubbing the back of his neck.

I took a step toward him. I was so nervous that I immediately started to ramble. "I went make sure that Alexander Hunter got to the new prison. I think that I really owe you an apology and an expla..." His smell. Oh, my gosh! "nation..."

Don't react, Anna. You deserve this. Shh... Calm down. What if he slept with another girl... You are not dating and you chose someone else. But, it hasn't been even twenty-four hours and it still hurts like a motherfucker.

"I understand Anna. It is okay. I will manage to move on." He still would not look me in the eye.

I bet you will. I do not even know what else to say. It was fucking cold out here. Why is he okay with talking like this? He must be freezing. "Do you want to get inside so we can talk some more?"

He shifted his weight on his feet, keeping the door only halfway open. "Now, it is not a good time. Let's meet tomorrow, in the café at four?"

"Tomorrow, I have to introduce myself to the rest of the council and get some paperwork done. It turns out that becoming part of the council is like changing packs. I could train the Silver Fang Pack warriors but I have to give up my position as Beta - Not that I was doing a lot as a Beta lately anyway. So,-"

"Sorry, Anna. This is really not a good time."

"Yeah, I understand. What about we meet--"

A feminine voice got both mine and Oliver's attention. It came from behind the door. A girl pulled the door wide open. I would like to say that her voice sounded like screeching or that she was hideous but she wasn't. She was petite like me, had blonde hair, blue eyes, a passion for rabbits, and a gorgeous midthigh length racerback red dress size S/M. How do I know all this? Because she is one of my human friends, and she is wearing my favorite dress, which I left here in his apartment after that day.

"Oliver, are you busy? I can come back later." She took a step to the front and kissed his cheek, still not noticing me.

He already had her scent all over him. How didn't I notice before?

Her eyes widened when she saw me. "Oh, Anna. You are... alive!" She walked out of the door and hugged me tightly. I couldn't hold back a growl when his smell on her hit my nose. Shut up, Larentia. Don't make this more awkward.

The girl pulled away and stared at me. "Sorry! I really thought you were, you know, dead. We are not dating or anything."

"It's okay. We aren't dating either."

Oliver was just staring at his feet with an unreadable expression on his face. At least, now I knew that he could move on. He was young, handsome and has a great personality. He would be fine.

Thank Moon Goddess Anthony honked and broke the awkward silence. "So, I just wanted to check that you were okay. I am not sure if I am coming back here soon. Enjoy life." I kissed Oliver's other cheek and took a step back.

He grabbed my wrist. "Anna. I am sorry. I thought you wouldn't come back."

I jerked my arm back, getting away from his grasp. "Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. Goodbye, Oliver."

I gave the girl a quick hug. "See you."

"Bye, Anna. I am sorry again."

I shook my head and walked toward the car without looking back. Oh, hell no. I am not crying again. I brought this on myself. I need to be a big girl now and accept the consequences of my actions.

"I thought the waterworks would have started by now." Anthony started the car and began driving us to the airport.

Ugh, this guy. So, supportive. "I am not crying ever again."

He laughed. "I wouldn't judge. I mean you did fuck up earlier and before, but it must hurt like hell smelling another girl on you mate, second chance or not."

That just reminded me that Caleb would have been in the same situation if I had arrived a little later that day. What is wrong with the male species? Ha! Like I am any better.

"It is my own fault this time. Also, if problems sorted themselves out by crying, everyone would stay at home crying for every little thing." That is what my human mom always said. I could hardly say that I have followed that advice, though.

"Good thing your life just got a lot more exciting. Trust me, starting tomorrow, you will not have time to even think about drama or cry. Unless you cry while you run. That would be fun to watch."

I rolled my eyes. "Where are the headquarters anyway?"

"Some island in the Caribbean. But, it would not be glamorous for you until you finish your training in exactly eleven months and a half, starting tomorrow."

"Buzzkill." Like I care about glamour at this point.

A/N: There are just like three or four chapters left before their paths cross again. As you may have noticed, there is a couple of months between the events of each chapter while they have been separate. I had to do it that way to show their character developments without boring you to death.

So, they are finally just a few chapters away from meeting again (but it will be another full year for them). Any thoughts? Theories? Wishes?

Also, I was reading comments from the first chapters and everyone is always so shocked about Caleb's sleeping around. Where I am from "cool kids" are sleeping around since they are thirteen, some even before. I wasn't a cool kid, thankfully.

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