Chapter 78: Goodbye

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A/N: Unedited. I am travelling back to the U.S. probably as you read this.


Silver Fang Pack's Dungeons,

"Do I feel in a story-teller mood today?" He smirked and stared at me as if challenging me.

I squeezed my brows together as if I was thinking "I'll have you sent to the Mountain Oasis Pack. There, you won't be tortured."

"Nice try, love. But, I already know I am being transferred there today."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It was worth a shot. What do you want?"

"Break me out of here?"

Now, it was my turn to laugh. I wailed clutching my stomach until tears rolled down my cheeks. I suddenly went quiet and gave him a bored look. If he knows how to manipulate people, I do too.

"I guess this is it. I thought you were my friend, but it seems that you are just an empty monster all along." I walked toward the door.

"Are you really leaving, princess?"

"Why do you care?" I kept my gaze on the door.

"I am bored."

I opened the door to leave not bothering answering.

The chains cackled. "I know very well the three men who killed your parents!"

"So?" I left the cell still not looking at him.

"I will tell you everything. What I want to ask you is something simple that only you can do."

I closed the door behind me. "Something simple? Yeah, right." I began walking away, my fingers slightly brushing the cold metal of the cell bars. Yuck, this is disgusting, but it adds to the dramatic effect.

"When I was eleven, my father took me to New York. There he met two other men, one I had never seen before and the other one a member of the neighboring pack."

I halted. Three men, just like in my dream.

He kept talking. "They took me to an apartment building and said to wait in the car. I heard a loud crash so I got out to see what had happened. A woman carrying a baby was running away from the building, while a man, your father, killed the guy from the neighboring pack. The man was about to fight my dad but suddenly froze. The guy I didn't know was pointing a gun to-"

My breath hitched and I moved my hand to cover muffle a sob. I closed my eyes, begging for the images in my head to stop. "I already know all that. I do not need to hear that part!"

He snickered. "What do you want to know, then?"

I took a deep breath and immediately regretted it. Ugh, the stench. I spat on the floor trying to get rid of the disgusting aftertaste in my mouth. "I want to know what happened after my parents were killed and who the other two men were."

He laughed. "Sorry, love. You get used to the aroma after a while. Come back here. Talking to you like this is awkward."

I turned around and walked back to his cell, but this time I stayed outside.

"Aw, princess. Come in; Make me company."

"Tell me something good and I will."

"You basically want to know three things. I will tell you about one of those three today."

"Okay tell me about-"

"First ask me what happens to the other two secrets, love."

I sighed. "What about the other ones?"

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