Chapter 34: Hand Over a Hoodie

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A/N: I am literally having a mental breakdown like right now. 

Anna walked up the stairs and down the hallway. She followed the orange blossom scent and arrived to his bedroom door. His scent was dripping out of the room. That was her favorite smell in the world. She felt like it suited him to smell like a flower. Anna closed her eyes, taking in the sweet aroma, before knocking on the door. 

"Hey! Are you decent?" she asked.

"Yes, but I can get indecent pretty quickly if you want me to." 

Anna rolled her eyes. "No, you are fine."

"I know I am. Come in; The door is not locked."

Anna opened the door and walked into the room. His room was painted white with blue accents and had a blue fluffy carpet. It was much more minimalist than what she had imagined. Everything was so tidy; It was a total opposite of her bedroom. 

She saw a king sized bed with blue sheets, white nightstands to each side of the bed, a large bookshelf full of books, and a walk in closet. He was sitting by a white desk, which was in front of casement windows. A large pile of books and a notebook laid in front of him.

Anna hugged him from behind. "What are you doing?" she asked as she peeked over his shoulder. 

"I was getting anxious while I waited for you, so I decided to do in some homework to distract myself. I am almost done with this one." He turned and kissed her cheek.

"Okay." Anna walked until she was right in front of his bed. She took off her shoes, scarf and jacket, and threw herself onto the bed. She curled into a ball and pulled the sheets all the way over her head.

Caleb turned around, saw her seemingly hidden between the sheets and laughed. "What are you doing?" 

"I am waiting for you to finish your homework."

Caleb stood up and walked to his bed. He pulled down the blankets slightly and found her staring back at him. 

"Hi," she said in a childish tone while smiling and waving.

He chuckled. She looks so innocent and cute right now, he thought. "Hello there." 

"Are you done now?" she asked.

"Not really. But I could not possibly do homework while you are lying on my bed like this."

Anna rolled on his bed. "Now, it is my bed. Stay away," she said playfully.

He sat next to her. "You are in a good mood today."

"I am. Everything is good now." She sat up and put her arms around him.

"It was not good before?" He turned to his right to look at her face.

She shook her head no. "Before, I did not have you." 

Her sweet words made his heart melt. He hugged her, burying his face in her hair and taking a deep breath.

Anna's cheek rested against his shoulder. She began talking, her voice so low and soft that had Caleb not been a werewolf, he would not have heard it. "Today I found out that when my mother met my dad, she ran away from him and did not see him again for months. When she finally gave him a chance, they were together for a little more than two years before they were both killed." She pulled back and looked into his eyes. "I do not want that to happen to us."

"It does not matter what, I would never let anyone hurt you. Do not worry about dying before time. I will always protect you." For Anna his voice sounded as sweet as honey. 

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