Chapter 32: Photos

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A/N: Song "Are You That Somebody (Acoustic Aaliyah Cover)," by Banks.

A/N: Today I confirmed that I would read just about anything in wattpad as long as there is a hot guy on the cover. Smh.


The next day, there was a red rose at the doorstep. The aroma of fresh roses was always soothing. I put the rose next to the other flowers. They would all make lovely bookmarks once the drying process was finished.

Driving and singing to school was a kind of therapy, though a short one, since the school was closer than I would wish sometimes.

Oh, isn't that some motivation over there? Caleb was in the school's parking lot. As soon as we locked eyes, I had to run to his arms, not that I can, sadly. Deep breaths, Anna. Deep breaths. I walked down to him gripping the sleeves of my blazer with both hands. Taking deep breaths right now would definitely not be the best idea.

As soon as I was right in front of him, he took my hand in his and kissed the back of it. "Good morning, Anna. You look beautiful as always."

"Thank you. I--" There were some people around not so discreetly glancing at us. Now was not the time to get all cute with each other. I stared into his eyes.

Wait, there is something I can do. I smiled mischievously and stood on my tiptoes. 

"Good morning, Mr. King," I brushed my lips against his ear. Goosebumps rose on the back of his neck. Good.

"That is so not fair," he mumbled.

We walked together to class, talking about the book Caleb was reading. I smiled widely as he laughed and gestured when he told me that the book was being 'epic,' and that he hadn't expected to like the book that much since the movie had been 'meh.'

The way Caleb looked at me and the tone he was using was unlike I've ever seen him before. Maybe that was the reason behind the weird looks we were getting. The chiming sound of my cellphone dared interrupt us. I pulled it out from my pocket.

It was Aiden.

Hey mom. I found out something that may be helpful for you, but I will tell you all about it when I have something concrete. I am so excited that I needed to let you know. Love you.

Oh, that sweet boy.

Thank you. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Love you.

Aiden had a habit of keeping things for himself but he would only say them when he considers that the moment is appropriate. There was no reason to pressure him.

We were still halfway to the classroom; I put my cell phone back in my pocket and turned to see Caleb who was glaring at other students. Although, he still was cute, being angry all the time wasn't good for one's health. I surreptitiously brushed my hand against and his frown immediately changed into an apologetic smile.

"What is it?" I whispered.

He shook his head still smiling. He had probably threated the other students or something. Most students in the school belonged to his pack and were too afraid to question him.

The classroom was still empty when we arrived. Caleb dropped off his things in his regular seat and went sit on the first seat in front of my desk. I put my bag on my desk and reached inside to get the present. I took the chicken plushy and walked up to Caleb.

"Let me see your hands." 

As soon as he did so, I put the plushy on his palms. Caleb stared at it, surprise clear on his face.

"My mother gave me this when I was six years old. Since then, it has always been by my side all the time. I have cared for it for a long time. I want you to take care of it from now on." 

Caleb looked up. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and Caleb put the small plushy in one hand and caressed it with the other one. It was not bigger than the palm of his hand. He poked it. Seriously? 

"Sorry," he said as he walked to his seat and put it in his bag.  

Other students arrived and the class flowed as usual, except for the silly grin on Caleb's face every time I opened my mouth to say anything. 


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'I wish I can get myself a girl that looks at me the way Caleb looks at Anna,' said Samuel through the mindlink, getting a chuckle from Matt.

Anna arched one eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Care to share with the rest of the class, Mr. Hall?"

Matt stared at her like deer in the headlights and gulped. Samuel and I laughed. 

Anna shook her head. "You two too?"

Samuel smirked. "I just told them that I wanted to get myself a girl that looks at me the way Caleb--"

"I do not need to hear about your personal life." 

Samuel chuckled. "Aw. You hurt my feelings."

"Get back to work," said Anna trying to hide a smile.

I made sure to be the last one to leave the class, just so I could blow her a kiss before leaving. Anna smiled and wished me a good day. With the way it'd started, of course, it'd be a good day.

 A/N: All this fluff is my gift to all my fellow students who are needing sweetness in their lives right now. Enjoy and stay strong.

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